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My arm still hurts. I rub it resentfully and glare at Judy. For a little rabbit, she sure packs a punch.

"How are we gonna follow them without getting caught?"
She grins crookedly at me.
"Oh no. That's MY look, Cottontail. Whenever YOU do it it means one more near death experience."


"I knew it." Nick grumps. "This time, we might actually die, and then I get to say I told you so."

"Sounds fair. Now hurry up and get in the car." I slowly open the trunk of the delivery truck, praying that it won't squeak. It doesn't, thank goodness. The wolves are off, probably paying Mr. Grey.

I hop in the back of the truck, and bury myself in a pile if empty sacks. Thankfully, Nick and I are both small mammals. It'll be easier to hide us.
He slinks in, carefully shutting the door behind him. I can't really see him, so I can't tell where he's hiding. I hope he remembered his tail.

The truck starts up and starts rolling away. Whoever is triggering the new cases of animals gone savage, we're heading straight for them. I don't know if that's bad or good.


Of all the crazy ideas I've heard over the past couple months, this one's takes the cake for 'Most likely to get handsome fox killed.' That's not a prize I want to win.

All I've got is my taser, my gun, and one pair of handcuffs. All else was left behind. Drat.

I'm hiding behind some crates of the evil plant. I do my best to not eat one or breath in too deeply. I don't even want to think about what'd happen if I went savage.

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