Human Freddy's POV

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I see the new security guard open her beautiful purple eyes and Bonnie looks at me and said "Um Freddy she's awake now what should we do?" said Bonnie. I look at Bonnie and tell him "Don't worry Bonnie, I know what to do." I said to Bonnie. I walk up to Victoria and said "Hello Miss Victoria I am Freddy FazBear but please call me Freddy. I heard coughing coming from this office you are in right now and I decided to see who was coughing and I found you asleep in the chair you are sitting in. Are you maybe sick or maybe have a fever?" I said to Victoria. I backed up a little and I see her getting up and as she was getting up from the chair she was sitting in she started loses her balance and then her vision was getting blurry and she passed out and she started to fall and before she hit the ground I quickly ran to her and caught her just in time. And I could tell she was having a hard time breathing. I placed my hand over her forehead and she was burning up and that means that she has a really bad fever. And then I told Bonnie and Chica to go get Foxy. When Bonnie and Chica left to go get Foxy, I kept Victoria in my arms making sure that she wouldn't hit her head on the floor. Then I hear Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy running down the hallway. When Foxy came in he said "What be 'the problem Freddy?" said Foxy "Foxy I need you to call Mike, Jeremy, Scotty, Fritz, and Vincent to come over and help me with Victoria the new security guard she has a really bad fever." I said to Foxy. Foxy call's Mike, Jeremy, Scotty, Fritz, and Vincent on Victoria's phone. Mike answer's the phone and said.......

Human Fan Fiction Fnaf X Reader: A Really Bad Fever And Goes Into A ComaWhere stories live. Discover now