Human Toy Freddy pov

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It was the first day of January and Victoria as not woken up yet and the whole gang were getting worried about her not waking up. I walk up to the chair besides the bed that Victoria was in and sat in it and I gently grabbed her right hand into mine and I see Mike walk up to me and said "Hey Toy Freddy how is she doing so far?" said Mike "Mike she hasn't woken up at all. When will she wake up from this coma and recover from her fever! I just want her to smile and laugh! I miss her so much! Why can't see wake up!" I said yelling and crying at Mike. Mike said "I don't know why she is not waking up." said Mike. I started to cry and lifted her right hand in mine to face and I started flash backing the time the whole gang and I spend time with Victoria.

*Flash Back*

17 year old Victoria: "Toy Freddy can you help me with something"

19 year old Toy Freddy: "Sure thing Victoria what is it that you need help with?"

Victoria: "I need help zipping up my dress in the back can you zip it up for me Toy Freddy"

Toy Freddy: "S-sure" I zip up her dress and she looked at me with her pretty violet eyes into my blue ocean eyes her dress was pretty it was a steam punk dress (pic).

Victoria: do like my SteamPunk Dress Toy Freddy

Toy Freddy: Of course I do it is a beautiful dress for a beautiful young lady standing in front of me.

Victoria: Thanks Toy Freddy.

Victoria: Thanks Toy Freddy

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*End of Flashback*

She was so beautiful in that dress she wore. I started crying and said "If you can hear me I would like to sing a song for Victoria and I always wanted to sing to you Victoria but I never got the chance to. So this is very special just for you Victoria." I said to Victoria as she was laying there. I pull out my phone and pick the song that I was going to sing to her and once I found it I tapped on it and the tun started playing and I started to sing as the tun was playing (Dearly Beloved Kingdom Hearts English by AmaLee)

"Dearly Beloved Kingdom Hearts English"

One day you will realize,
"The stars you are chasing shine bright deep inside you,

But will you ever let it shine from within,

And cast all of your fears aside?

You'll see the light, but until that day comes

*My Dearly Beloved,

Be strong, I shall be there

Always here beside you

So, keep your head held high,

The shadows of this world

Will try to steal you away into their arms

Human Fan Fiction Fnaf X Reader: A Really Bad Fever And Goes Into A ComaWhere stories live. Discover now