Human Freddy and Human Golden Freddy's pov

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It's been Fifteen days and she still hasn't woken up. Me and Goldie are getting worried e about here not waking up and I want to see her pretty smile. But just looking at her it makes me sad I don't want to lose her. When I first met her she was healthy,strong, always happy, always coming to me if someone is trying to hurt her. I sat in the chair next to Victoria and gently grabbed her right hand and into mine as I look up at her and I started to crying and Goldie walks up to his brother Freddy and puts his hand on his shoulder and says "Freddy it's okay Victoria will wake up soon and I know that she will just give her time Freddy." said Goldie. Freddy modes and gets up and gently kisses her forehead and gently let's go of her. Goldie and Freddy looked over at her and Goldie feels bad about her and thinks of what might have got her sick. When Freddy was talking to Mike,Jeremy,Scotty, and Vincent. Goldie walked up to the chair besides her bed and sit in it and gently grabs her right hand in his. Goldie looks up at her and she had beautiful long purple hair, and soft light skin, and beautiful pinkish reddish lips. Goldie started to say something that he remembered when him and Freddy were talking and said "Soon when the time comes, you will wake up and everyone could see you smile again and everyone could see your beautiful Violet eyes again. When the time is right you will soon wake up." said Goldie as tears were running down his cheeks and said "Please Victoria just wake up soon so we can all be together again as one big happy family. Just please that you'll wake up Victoria." said Goldie as he was crying and he gets up from the chair and gently lets go of her right hand and kisses her gently on the forehead and sits next to his twin brother Freddy. Goldie and Freddy want's Victoria to wake up soon.

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