Author's pov again

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I was still in a coma and my fever has gone away. As I was still in a deep sleep I hear Toy Freddy singing to me and was very beautiful singing and then I hear Mike talking Toy Freddy and said "Toy Freddy your a great singer and you kept that all in and you should know Victoria one day wants the whole gang to sing to her and she wished on a beautiful bright white star in the sky that one night when she was spending the night at my house and could hear her wishing for that. But that wish never came true in her life." said Mike. And deep inside I wanted to wake up but I couldn't for some reason. I didn't want to keep worrying the whole gang and make them cry for not waking up. But soon I will wake up just you wait guys you will see me smiling again and making me laugh at your guys jokes. I love them all with all my heart but I can't wake up and I really wanted to so bad. But the thing was that my body wouldn't move so I thought of something and got an idea that tomorrow I will wake up and will get to see the whole gang again. Just you wait everyone I will wake up tomorrow and I promise that I will never leave all of you behind and I promised Springtrap that I will come to him so he can sing to me when I was sad, scared, or alone, or heart broken. Then I hear a voice that was familiar "Victoria if you can hear me,Please just wake up, I can't stand seeing you suffer from this condition that you are in. Victoria the whole gang needs you, I need my best friend that I know from my childhood and you were always by my side. I don't want to lose you....Please....Victoria, For me.....YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KEPT THE WHOLE GANG TOGETHER AND KEPT US FROM FIGHTING AND......AND YOU ALWAYS CHEERED US UP WHEN WE WERE SAD......V-VICTORIA PLEASE....please wake up....the whole gang misses you...we need you to wake up. You promised that you would not leave the whole gang behind if you die or get" You knew that voice it was your childhood best friend Toy Bonnie and she cared about you so much that she wants you to wake up but you knew were going to wake up tomorrow.

Human Fan Fiction Fnaf X Reader: A Really Bad Fever And Goes Into A ComaWhere stories live. Discover now