Human Freddy and Human Golden Freddy's pov

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As me and Goldie grab her hands her power was gone. But before she could fall to the ground because she was floating inside her power. I was quick enough to catch her in my arms and when I caught her I looked down on her and saw she used so much energy that she passed out. I look up at my brother Goldie and tells me "How did you get her to clam down?" Asked my brother Goldie and I tell him "Well before Victoria's mom and dad died they told me this."

20 year old Rachel aka Victoria's mom

Rachel: Freddy can I talk to you

Freddy: Sure

Rachel: There's something that you need to know. Victoria has a special power called God's light

Freddy: I understand but what does her power do?

Rachel: *sighs and started tearing up* If something ever happens to me and my husband I want you to say this to her " We love her with all our heart and we want her to grow up to be a strong beautiful girl and never give up on your hopes and dreams. If you ever get really sad that we won't be there if you ever get married we won't be there to walk you down the aisle. We don't want you to see you upset just know that if something happens to us and die we will always be with you inside your heart as long as you keep believing we will always be with you. We love you." *starts crying*

Freddy: Rachel if anything happens to you and your husband I will tell her that if something bad happens to you and your husband.

Rachel: Thank you Freddy so much

Freddy: Any time

*End of Flashback*

I look at my brother who was pretty shocked at what I remember what Rachel told me. As we started walking Mike, Jeremy, Scotty, and Vincent and the others ran up to me and Goldie. When They saw the condition that Victoria was in and I could tell bonbon was going to cry I walked up to her with Victoria in my arms and said "Bonbon it's okay. Victoria will be fine." I said to bonbon. I walk up to Mike with Victoria in my arms and said "Mike thank you for trying but the only way to clam her down was Me and Goldie. We only knew what she was going through. We been around her when she was 9 years old and she would always think that when she grows up her mom and dad would die and won't be there when ever she gets married or when she has kids her parents won't bee there and she would always cry herself to sleep and Me and Goldie were always there for her before we met all of you guys." I said to Mike. I could tell that Mike understands and everyone heard me too and understands to. As we all walk back to Scotty's house and me still carrying Victoria in my arms. We all get inside the house and Me and Goldie go upstairs and I gently lay Victoria down on the bed and cover her up. Goldie and I see everyone walk in the same room that Victoria was in and where we watched over her. We all just sat on the couch that was in Victoria's room and just keep watch over her just in case she wakes up from passing out from using her power. It was 10:00 PM at night and Victoria was still passed out, but then I hear her waking up and sitting up on the bed, I get up and walk up to her and sat the edge of the bed said "Hey Victoria, how are you feeling." I said to Victoria, "I feel better, Thank you Freddy." said Victoria. I look over my shoulder and see everyone getting up and everyone hugs her of how worried they were about her.

To be continued......

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