Mike and Jeremy's pov

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I walk up to our lovely and funniest friend Victoria. I sit in the chair next to Victoria and gently grabbed her right hand into mine and say "Victoria you should have told me that you were sick but I guess it's too late for that. If you knew how cute and funny you were and all of us as kids playing altogether at that on park." said Mike.


12 year old Victoria:
"Come on Mikey and Jeremy I want you to meet some others boys that will friends with us!"

11 year old Mike:
"Okay Victoria I'm coming just slow down"

12 year old Jeremy:
"W-wait f-for m-me Victoria"

"Mike and Jeremy this is Scotty, and Vincent"

"Scotty, and Vincent this is Mike and Jeremy they are my friends too!"

Mike:"Hi nice to meet you guys.

11 year old Scotty:

12 year old Vincent:

"Who wants to play hid and seek!"

All five of them:
"We do!"

"Alright I will count and you guys hid. Ready? Set? Go! One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten! Ready or Not here I come! Found Mikey"

"Awwwww man you found me. Come on let's find the rest of them."

*Ten minutes later*

All six of them laughing:

"Well me,Mike,and Jeremy have to go home now bye!!!!!"

They all wave goodbye and wondering if they will ever see each other again when they are teenagers.

*End of Flashback*

Mike started to cry and Jeremy comes behind Mike and hugs him and says "Vincent said to give her time she will wake up and see her smiling again and when the time comes she will wake up and I just know it she will wake up." said Jeremy. Mike looks up at Jeremy and he puts a smile on his face noded and Mike got up and gently kisses her forehead. Mike and Jeremy sit down on the floor next to Scotty and Vincent.

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