Human Marionette's pov

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As I watch each of them spending a little time with Victoria. Each one of them shared memories and sang songs to Victoria. Now it was my turn to spend some little time with Victoria. I walk up to the chair besides Victoria's bed and sat in it and I gently grab Victoria's right hand into mine and said "Victoria It's me Marionette and I know you want to wake up but something is keeping you from waking up. Victoria I wanted to give you this special necklaces but I never got the chance to." I said to Victoria. I gently let go of her right hand really quick and put the special necklaces around her neck and then I gently grab her right hand into mine again. I looked up at Victoria and saw the necklaces that I put on her was glowing a bright yellow light. I quickly got up and ran to the whole gang and said "Guys get up off the floor now!" I said to them while yelling at them "The necklaces that I put around Victoria's neck and glowing a bright yellow light hurry up." I said to them. The whole gang got off the floor and they all started running behind me as I was running back to the bed where Victoria was laying in and the light grew brighter and brighter. But when we all ran up to Victoria's bed the special necklaces was still glowing really bright. But it was not as bright and we were able to see that Victoria was floating over the bed in the air and we all could see that the special necklaces I gave to Victoria was glowing a greenish yellowish light and it was kinda of sparkling around her. When the special necklaces stopped glowing Victoria was gently put back down on the bed. I saw that her long Purple hair had some blue in it and she was finally waking up. We all saw the most amazing thing ever in are whole life. I called Mangle, Shadow Bonnie, Shadow Freddy, and Springtrap over and they ran inside the room we were all in and they saw the most amazingest thing that just happened.

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