Human Toy Bonbon's pov

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It's been thirty days and she still hasn't woken up and getting very worried about her that maybe she is dying. I walk up to the chair besides her bed and sat in it and I gently grabbed her right hand into mine and just looking at Victoria just breaks my heart and then I said "Victoria if you can hear me, Please just wake up I can't stand seeing you suffer from this condition that you are in. Victoria the whole gang needs you, I need my best friend that I knew from my childhood and you were always by my side. I don't want to lose you....Please....Victoria, For me.....YOU WERE THE ONE WHO KEPT THE WHOLE GANG TOGETHER AND KEPT US FROM FIGHTING AND......AND YOU ALWAYS CHEERED US UP WHEN WE WERE SAD......V-VICTORIA PLEASE....please wake up....the whole gang misses you...we need you to wake up. You promised that you would not leave the whole gang behind if you die or get" said Toy Bonnie as she was crying. The whole gang walked up behind Toy Bonnie and Toy Bonnie turned around and saw the whole gang behind her and they all said "Toy Bonnie she will wake up soon. Just give her time and when that time comes she will wake up and see her smile once again and we will always protect her." said the whole gang. Toy Bonnie noded and turned back around in the chair to face Victoria and said "When you wake up the gang will be here waiting for your wake." said Toy Bonnie. I gently let go of her right hand and got up and kissed her forehead gently. I looked back at her and I never wanted to see her suffer. I go and sit next to Foxy on the floor and sighed. And I thought to myself 'Maybe one day the whole gang and me could take Victoria to a place where we can all have fun and maybe take her to a restaurant that she will love' tears were creating in my eyes and ran down my cheeks. Foxy looks at me and said "Toy Bonnie it is going to be fine she will wake up soon." said Foxy as he wiped my tears away and I hugged him and he hugged me back. We let go of each other and just waited for our best friend Victoria to wake up. And when she wakes up I will get to see her smiling again and hear her laughing again. I just wish she could wake up Right now and just give her a big hug. But I get so worried that she will never wake up and never see her again.

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