Author's and the gang's pove again

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It was Monday July 2nd and the gang and Victoria decided to go to the park. They were all walking to the park and they were all playing at the park and Victoria noticed that Jeremy was being bullied by some other teenagers and they had weapons and she saw Mike had two guns in his hands and Scotty has a sword and Vincent has knifes and the whole gang had weapons and they were trying to fight back and then Victoria saw Jeremy has a sword and was trying to fight to. Victoria was running to them and try stopping the fight. As she gets there she was shocked that they didn't stop fighting and she just stands there watching them fight and she says to herself as she drops her head down with her long Purple hair covering her eyes and her arms to the side and her hands turning into fists and she says " Stop it.....Stop it......Stop it......STOP ITTTTTTTTT!!!!" Shouted Victoria. The whole gang and the four boys heard Victoria shouting at top of her head. Then Victoria's power called God's light burst out from her and around her. Her power was healing the whole gang and her childhood friends. Victoria's power beamed into the sky and she floating inside her power and Freddy and Goldie knew what to do, but the teenagers did not care and just kept attacking them. Victoria saw that the teenagers wouldn't not stop fighting and she screamed really loud and said "STOP IT! STOP FIGHTING! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE MY FAMILY THAT I ONLY HAVE! STOP IT NOWWWWWWW! I DON'T WANT THEM TO DIE! JUST STOP FIGHTINGGGGGGG!!!" shouted Victoria. The teenagers stopped fighting and ran away. Everyone turned to you, but your power never stopped and they needed to clam you down before it gets worse again. Freddy shouted to Toy Freddy "TOY FREDDY TRY GETTING CLOSE TO VICTORIA AND TRY CLAMING HER DOWN BEFORE IT GETS WORSE AGAIN!" shouted Freddy, Toy Freddy trys getting closer to Victoria to clam her down, Toy Freddy gets closer to her and shouts "VICTORIA! IT'S ME! TOY FREDDY! YOU NEED TO CLAM DOWN! IT'S GOING TO BE OKAY YOU WON'T LOSE US!" shouted Toy Freddy, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! PEOPLE ARE HURTING THE ONES I LOVE! I JUST WISH EVERYONE WOULD JUST STOP HURTING THE ONES I LOVEEEEEEEE!!!" Shouted Victoria, and then her power got brighter and stronger and a little darker. Freddy shouts at TF "GOOD GOING TF YOU JUST MADE IT WORSE!" shouted Freddy and then Springtrap shouts to Freddy "FREDDY LET ME TRY I THINK I CAN CLAM HER DOWN!" shouted Springtrap. As Springtrap gets close enough to Victoria and shouts "VICTORIA! IT'S ME! SPRINGTRAP! DO YOU THINK OF WHAT YOUR PARENTS WOULD SAY TO YOU IF THEY WERE ALIVE AND SEEING YOU LIKE THIS! THEY WOULD SAY "VICTORIA OUR SWEET DAUGHTER YOU WILL BRING JOY AND HAPPENS TO THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT! AND NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT LET ANYBODY JUDGE YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE! JUST ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU AND WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU! JUST NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT! VICTORIA YOU ARE THE GREATEST THING THAT EVER HAPPEN! WE ARE PROUD THAT WE HAD YOU AND BROUGHT YOU TO THIS WORLD! WE LOVE YOU WITH ALL OUR HEART! NEVER STOP BELIEVEING OF WHAT YOU CAN DO NO MATTER WHAT!" shouted Springtrap, Victoria started crying of what Springtrap said to her that was true. Then Victoria shouts to Springtrap saying "SPRINGTRAP I CAN'T CONTROL IT ANYMORE! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" shouted Victoria, "DON'T WORRY VICTORIA IT'S NOT GOING TO HURT ME!" shouted Springtrap. As Springtrap gets even closer to her, Victoria reaches out to Springtrap with her right hand while still floating. Springtrap reaches out to Victoria and through her power and grabs her right hand. As Springtrap and Victoria lock hands the same bright white light glows around them and they all closed there eyes and the light then fades away, they all open there eyes and they saw Springtrap carrying Victoria in her arms passed out.

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