Mike's POV

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In answered my phone and said "Hello?" "Mike It's me Foxy." "Foxy? Why are you calling me on my friend Victoria's phone?" "Mike Freddy need ye all help with Victoria." "Wait? what's wrong with Victoria? Did something bad happened?" "Mike I need ye to call Jeremy, Scotty, Fritz, and Vincent." "Okay Foxy I will call them right now stay on the phone." "Alright Mike." "Hello?" "Jeremy It's me Mike." "M-Mike why are you calling me?" "Jeremy something happened to our best friend Victoria, but Foxy won't tell me what happened to her I need you to call Scotty, Fritz, and Vincent to tell them what happened and I still have Foxy on the phone and I still need to talk to him about what just happened to Victoria and I think she works at Freddy's FazBear Pizzeria as a night guard meet me there okay I got to go Jeremy and make sure to call the other three about Victoria." "Okay Mike I will bye." "Bye" "Okay Foxy now tell me what happened to Victoria I need to know Foxy." "Well you see Mike ever since ye best friend Victoria been working as the new night guard at Freddy's FazBear Pizzeria, Freddy got worried about ye best friend so he went to go check to see if she was okay Freddy found ye best friend asleep in the same office you worked in and told Bonnie and Chica to be quite and when she woke up Freddy asked if she was sick or have a fever and when she got up Victoria lost her balance and her vision got blurry and she passed out but luckily Freddy caught her in time before she hit her head on the floor and Freddy put his hand over her forehead and noticed that she has a really bad fever and now Freddy is holding her in his arms but she is having hard times breathing and Freddy told me to call you guys about ye best friend." "Oh okay thanks for calling and telling me I'll be right over." "See you soon Mike."

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