The Final pov and author and the whole gang

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It was Friday and Victoria finally woke up but little did she know that Springtrap fell asleep in the chair next to her. So she lightly shook Springtrap to wake him and said "Springtrap time to wake up." said Victoria. Springtrap woke up and saw that Victoria was awake and he could tell she was staring into his eyes. Then Springtrap started crying tears of joy and hugged you tight and he said "Victoria I am so glad that you finally woke up, I-I missed you." said Springtrap. Victoria was about to hug Springtrap back but there was a loud 'BOOM'. Victoria got scared and one of the gang came running in saying "SPRINGTRAP we need your help! The enemy's are attacking and we need you now!" said Toy Freddy. Springtrap gets up and tells you "Don't come out of this house we are going to protect you Victoria." said Springtrap. As Springtrap and Toy Freddy run outside in front of The house and each person was fighting the enemy's, Bon bon and Bonnie were fighting the two twins with swords, Freddy and Goldie were Fighting man with red hair, Toy Chica and Chica were fighting a women with pink hair and a guy with blue hair, SB and SF were fighting two women, The Puppet and Mangle were fighting a guy with double blades, Foxy was fighting a girl with guns, Mike and Jeremy were fighting a guy with ninja stars, Scotty and Vincent were fighting a two more twins with swords, and Springtrap and Toy Freddy were fighting a guy that look like a wolf and a women that looked liked a fox. As Victoria was in the room upstairs in bed hearing all sounds from outside she decided that she needed to be outside with healing there wouns. So she got out of bed but felt dizzy a little and started walking downstairs and outside in front of the house and she was shocked that everyone was fighting and she felt upset and angry and she started to drop her head as her long Purple covered her eyes and her arms on the and her hands turning into fists and started saying this "STOP IT.... STOP IT....STOP IT....STOP ITTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!" Victoria screamed really loud at top of her head. That's when her power shook underneath her feet and 'BOOM'. Her power shot around everyone. Everyone stopped fighting and the enemy's disappeared out of sight and the whole gang turned around and saw her power was healing them really fast and Springtrap, Freddy, and Golden Freddy knew what to do but they had to at least have one of the gang members to clam Victoria down. And Springtrap yells to Shadow Freddy "SHADOW FREDDY YOU NEED TO CLAM HER DOWN OR IT WILL GET WORSE AND WORSE IF SHE DOES NOT CLAM DOWN AND IF DOESN'T WORK THEN WE WILL DO IT TOGETHER AS A TEAM AS HER FAMILY AS A GANG!" Shouted Springtrap. So as Shadow Freddy gets close to Victoria and shouts "VICTORIA! IT'S ME! SHADOW FREDDY! YOU NEED TO CLAM DOWN! WE WERE TRYING TO PROTECT YOU FROM OUR ENEMY'S!" Shouted Shadow Freddy, "CLAM DOWN! CLAM DOWN! HOW CAN I CLAM DOWN WHEN YOU GUYS WERE GETTING HURT! WHY...WHY DOES EVERY TIME YOU GUYS TRY TO PROTECT ME AND YOU GUYS ALWAYS GETTING HURT! I DON'T LIKE YOU GUYS GETTING HURT IT MAKES ME SAD AND ANGRY THAT YOU GUYS GET HURT! I WAS THE ONE WHO PROTECTED YOU GUYS FROM GETTING HURT, I WAS THE ONE WHO KEPT YOU GUYS FROM FIGHTING! I DON'T WANT THIS TO KEEP HAPPENING! I WANT THIS TO STOP! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMOREEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Shouted Victoria. That's when Victoria's power was growing stronger and stronger and more dangerous and darker around her and in the sky. Springtrap knew that was going to happen. So The originals, The Toys, SB and SF, Springtrap, the Puppet, Golden Freddy, Mike, Jeremy, Scotty, and Vincent all went to get even closer to Victoria, But Victoria tells them "I CAN'T CONTROL IT ANYMORE! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER! I'M GOING TO HURT YOU ALL IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" Victoria Shouts to them as tears ran down her checks. They all shout back to her and say "Victoria It's Okay! You are not going to hurt us and we all know that you won't! And we know that it is dangerous! But you need to remember the things that we all did together with you! When you came into our lives and you changed our lives! Remember the good times and the fun times and the funny times and the sad times and the happy times we all had with you AS OUR FRIEND..... As Our Sister.... The Girl Who changed us all.... The Girl Who Came In Our Lives.... The Girl Who Was Brave To Work At Freddy's FazBear Pizzeria.... The Girl Who Never Forgot All Us.... The Girl Who Kept A Promise That She Will Never Leave Us All Behind No Matter What.... The Girl Who Taught all of Us to Never Give Up On Each other!!" They all shout together.

At Freddy's FazBear Pizzeria.

Freddy: Hello there miss my name is Freddy FazBear but you can call me Freddy. What is your name?

Victoria: Hello Freddy my name is Victoria Pineda.

At her house on the phone talking to Mike

Mike: Hey Victoria want to go to the movies with me and Jeremy?

Victoria: Sure!

At Scotty's hose

Scotty: Hey Victoria do you want to play some games with me and Vincent?

Victoria: I would love to!

Leaving for collage

Victoria: I'm going miss you guys

Everyone: We Will Be Here Waiting For You To Come Back Home.

Decided to not go to college

Victoria: I Decided I am not going to college and stay here where I belong.

Everyone: Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaa

*End of FlashBack*

That's when Victoria's power went away and was standing still wearing the hat that Vincent gave her. Victoria had Tears running down her checks and started crying saying "I-I'm sorry guys. It's just when I see you guys getting hurt it makes me angry and sad. I Never wanted this to happen to me...To All Of Us. Can You Guys Forgive Me?" said Victoria while crying. Mike and the others walk up to her and Mike wipes her tears and Mike says "Victoria I know it's hard. But you just need to learn how to control it. And you know I would never mad at you. You are forgiven." said Mike. And then the others all say together "We Forgive you Victoria." They all said together. So Victoria and the whole gang hugs and they all say one last time these words to her they all said Victoria No Matter What We Will Always Be Here With You And Protect You No Matter What. We All love You Victoria With All Our Hearts." They all said together. Victoria knew that big hole in her heart was finally healed and she knew that the whole gang was the missing part to heal her hole in her heart. Then Victoria started crying tears of joy and said "You Guys Are My Only Family that I have left. Promise Me You Will Never Leave Me and Keep me safe. And I Love All of you Guys No Matter What." said Victoria. So In the end Victoria knew that NO MATTER WHAT They Will Always Be There For Her.

(You can repeat the song if you want)

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