Scotty and Vincent's POV

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It's been Four days and our lovely best friend Victoria hasn't woken up. Me and Vincent are worried about her and that she will never wake up and never see that beautiful smile and hear her laughing and making us smile when we are sad and when she was protecting us from getting hurt. I grabbed a chair and sit next to her and I gently grabbed her right hand and took it in mine and as I look at her and thinking to myself 'Why didn't she tell us that she was that sick and we could of have asked if she was sick but now seeing her like this laying in bed and still hasn't woken up from her coma as what had said because he was a doctor and then worked at the Pizzeria. If only she had told us she wouldn't be like this' as I started to cry Vincent walks in and put his hand on my shoulder and said "Scotty don't cry just give her time to wake up and when the time is ready she will wake up I just know it and I know you want to see her smile again don't you." said Vincent "Vincent why didn't she tell us that she was this sick." said Scotty as he was still crying "Scotty I think the reason she didn't tell us is because she didn't want us to worry about her and that if we did we wouldn't let her go to work." Vincent said to Scotty. Scotty nodes and gets up and gently kiss her forehead and Vincent and Scotty just go sit back down on the floor with the rest.

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