Find Your Heart

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How was fate determining the story of a young Elven maiden's adventure through life, you may ask? Simple, it disguised itself as many different people that influenced the elleth in both good and bad. Ginerva, or Jenny as she preferred, was 2999 years of age and full of ambition. She wanted to do great things, but she wasn't sure that what her parents wanted, were the great things she was designed for.

Jenny trudged through the woods hauling a small satchel and a tired horse. "Come on you big oaf. We're almost there. You know we can't stop or we wouldn't reach Gondor at the arranged time, then the messenger wouldn't be sent out at the correct time, and then they wouldn't deliver the note saying I made it alive on time, and then Naneth and Ada would send the entire fleet of guards to come look for their possibly dying baby girl. Or have you forgotten how they reacted last time? I wouldn't be surprised, your race doesn't remember anything."

Suddenly the red headed's royal horse stopped walking and dug his heals into the ground. Jenny got yanked backwards and almost fell. But thankfully her elven skills kicked in and she recovered her balance. "Let's go! All I want is to get to Gondor so I can spend some time with the only friend I have. Come on!" She yanked again and again until she began running forward, dragging the poor horse behind her. The horse stopped its fighting and trotted up, so he fell in pace with her Elven strides. But the horse was not about to give up yet. He jumped into the path of his mistress so she had no choice but to stop. But the quick elf hurtled over him in her stretchy green leggings. She chuckled and grinned as the 2999 year old burst ahead at full speed. The horse had one last idea to prove that it could not last another step. It sat down and waited. Jenny only made it a few steps before turning to check on the silence behind her. When she saw the poor steed laying and resting she jogged back and lay down next to it. "Fine. We'll rest for five minutes. But you better be ready to work when the rest is up." She laughed out.

There were a few moments of silence when she thought tiredly of her future. "What will become of me when I'm forced to marry Welion in a week?" She spoke to the forests around her.

When the princess was first born, she was blessed with fiery red hair and fresh green eyes. This was seen as a gift to her mother, but to the rest of the kindom, it seemed a curse. No one in the whole area had such looks. Only brown and blonde hair and blue and brown eyes. Her mother watched her closely for any signs of being different. After a year or two of strange things moving, floating a catching fire, her mother, Lady Galadriel concluded she had inherited power. But the power was too much for everyone and the Lady of Light was concerned people would leave their protected land in fear of her daughter. So she hid Jenny away and did not let her see anyone. She was forbid to use magic, but when she became angry, Ginerva lost all control, often scorching her room.

Although the Kingdom thought she was shut off from everyone, her mother let her have three friends. But Jenny didn't get to choose these people and they only hung out with her because it was convenient. Her three best friends were Arwen, Legolas, and Welion. All three came from royal families. Arwen was from Rivendale, Legolas was from Mirkwood, and Welion was from Lillylight. Lillylight was a new kingdom that was collecting wandering elves that were ready to settle down. But Jenny did not like Welion.

One day, her Naneth and Adar sat her down with Welion and his parents. They talked for a very long time, but when the two families parted, Jenny finally understood. She was going to marry Welion when she was older. There was no choice.

And from that point on when there were meetings held with all the Elven rulers, Welion forced Ginerva into doing magic and anything for him.

"Ginerva, I need you to use magic to get me something."She remembered the boy staring at her while they hid from Legolas and Arwen in a game of hide and seek.

"I am not aloud to use magic without Naneth's help." Jenny said back in a timid voice.

"Oh, don't worry, it's pretty small and she'll never know." Jenny looked at him and knew she shouldn't. "All I need is for you to levitate the wooden crown off of King Thranduil's head and bring it here. Understand?"

"That really doesn't sound like a good idea Welion. I don't think I should. It might make Legolas not want to be my friend and Arwen will think I'm a bad girl and she won't be my friend either. I kinda like Legolas and I want him to not hate me." Welion faked a hurt face and stepped back. The little girl was surprised and thought she had hurt his feelings.

"Is this how it will be when you are mine? Would the Queen dare disobey her King?! Would she love another man, while she should be serving the King's every need?" He questioned her harshly. She was scared but something inside her was growing.

"No..." She trailed off. Then the growing sensation snapped. "BUT I DONT WANT TO CAUSE ITS BAD!"

She stopped her foot upon the floor and little sparks flurried around the closet. Welion chuckled darkly at her. "No one is ever going to love you, but I will marry you, dear. You will have no friends but I will still speak to you. If you do not start listening to my every command and want however, I will pull out of our marriage and you will live single forever. What would you Adar think of you if you never married because you're weird?"

She let a tinny tear escape and she swore it would be the last on his account. She looked at him and then concentrated really hard on the strange Woodland King's crown. She had never had very good control of her powers and very rarely was she able to call them on command. Yet she could never reveal this to Welion now. She tried to imagine it floating off his head softly and coming strait to her.

Suddenly she heard a distant yell, splashing of water and fast footsteps. She felt her mother push into her mind and see where Jenny was hiding. Welion ran out and left her standing in the closet confused. The door flung open and there stood, quiet literally, a steaming Thranduil, with a burnt crown and a chunk of singed hair. And the rest if the Elven rulers.

Her grass-green eyes cracked open when a gentle nudging could be felt on her side. She smiled up at the horse as she climbed upon its back. "Its been five minutes already?"


I am so grateful you chose to read my book! It is currently being re-written so some chapters are obviously a lesser quality than others. Thanks!


Find Your Heart(A Legolas Love Story/ Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now