Chapter 10

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Legolas's POV

I walked into Micheil's room and sat on the end of his bed. I had to wake him up. He was surely going to be startled. I was wearing my dark green tunic and matching pants. Then there was my bow and sharp arrows that seemed to sprout out of my back. I was a guy, that showed up in his room, and I had long blonde hair. Yah, I think if a creeper like me walked into my room, I'd be scared. It makes sense that he would favor someone like Jen over a scary guy like myself. I leaned down and slowly awakened the little boy.

He yawned big then opened his eyelids only to reveal Arwen's eyes. They were dark grey, but inviting and homely. His eyes widened as he took notice of me. "Legolas!" The little boy shouted, nearly blasting my ear drums. It was a wonder that Jen could hear me lurking after this abuse to the ears. So he was told what I looked like. And of my coming.

"Hello! Nice to meat you Prince Micheil." I replied soothingly.

"You're in big trouble. Auntie Ginerva is really mad at you. I don't like her when she gets angry. Other wise she's perfect. And really pretty." He mumbled out shyly. Haha he was really cute. I was going to enjoy spending time with him.

"I think she is pretty, too. And trust me, I know, when she gets mad, she is not an enjoyable person. I already spoke to her though and we worked something out." I mentally smirked. "Today I need you to stay in the castle with your maids. Then tomorrow we can play. Also if you cooperate," I lowered my voice to a whisper as if what I was about to say was a secret, "I'll let you stay up late." His face lit up and all doubt was gone from his eyes. I knew I had a deal.

"Ok little man. You get dressed and eat something. I'll tell your maid you can have pancakes." Another tip Jen told me to get him to listen to me. Bribery. I turned and walked out of the room.

There was a maid, dressed in light blue garments, rounding the corner so I approached her. "I need you to take care of Micheil today. I am seeing to another problem King Aragorn has left me. I am Prince Legolas of the Woodland Realm." The little maid, probably in her early thirties, looked shocked but quickly nodded and ran into the room. I could tell by the way she gasped that she was surprised he was ready and behaving nicly. I chuckled lightly and walked on to my second destination, the stables. Jenny was supposedly getting the horses ready for the massacre.

Jenny's POV

I slung my bow over my shoulder so that its string crossed my chest and elven wood arched with my back. My quiver was already on and it swung from my hip to the little crook in my neck. Legolas had just left for Micheil's room after I scolded him about being late yesterday.

I pushed open the door and surveyed the view. I could see the whole kingdom from the tree top. I slowly descended and let my mind wander as I started to stroll towards the stables.

Micheil is growing up so quick! I guess it seems that way because I grew up around 'slow growing' elves. Like dawves but they never have a growth spurt. Or hobbits they are small, too. I remember a time when I knew hobbits like Bilbo Baggins. I met him in Rivendale. And then I met Frodo and we were friends. I told him what was bothering me but, we weren't super close like Legolas and I. And then there is Legolas. Are we just friends. No. Are we courting? Not officially. Plus Welion would kill me if I said I was with him. But we kissed. And I liked it. No, I loved it. I would gladly kiss him all day if I was given the choice. He liked it, I could see it in his eyes. I wasn't watching where I was going and I almost ran into a poor little stable boy. He must have been nine or ten but I was awful at guessing age with mortals. He was very skinny and looked like he hadn't eaten in a while.

"Little boy?" I asked catching his attention. His eyes widened and he bowed deeply. "No need to bow. Could you please bring me my horse Acorn and Prince Legolas's horse, Arod?" He nodded his head, smiled wide, and ran off to collect the horses.

When he returned, he had two reins in his hands and behind him were two beautiful horses. There was mine and he was one of the only bright red horses alive. When I rode him, I blended in because my hair and his mane were matching. Then there was the blonde, pure horse that was trying to escape from the reins. I laughed and slipped it off Arod's head and he pranced past me then turned around. He came and stood proudly next to me. I reached for Acorn's too, and pulled it off with ease. The little stable looked confused why I would just unlatch them. "You know, these have got to be the two most loyal horses ever to lived." I spoke to him answering his unspoken question. Then I pulled out a bag of gold, diamonds, and coins. "I don't know if any of these coins will work here, but they are pure gold so you can get money for them else where if needed." I handed him the whole bag and his eyes widened.

"Tha- thank you miss. Please thank the prince for me too." I jumped up on the horse and trotted away with Arod following. There was a soft humming that broke the silence. Arod started galloping towards the noise and I followed soundlessly on Acorn.

"Just on time." His voice parted the air. My face lit up and I rode up next to him. He had already situated himself on Arod and looked ready. "Wanna go kill some Orc?"

"No! I couldn't even imagine getting close enough to see one, let alone KILL one!" I demanded in my fake whinny princess vioce. We laughed and he sped off leaving me behind. There was no way he was going to beat me. Or kill more orcs. It was on.



Hi all. Don't hate me for not updating in a while. I really do try. This is a filler chapter. Currently I am writing another story but it will be a whila before it is actually released. Really hope anyone will comment or vote. It makes my life more interesting and makes me want to write more.


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