Chapter 18

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Thranduil's POV

I needed a fairly great plan to deceive Lady Galadriel, Lady of the Light. Something other that the fact I could ask any favor of her. I needed evidence, and really good evidence at that. Maybe I could set up a disaster or something very large to upset her. Maybe I needed Ginerva to get pregnant. That would be a shock. Oh, and right before her miserable little wedding. And what if she was pregnant with a dwarf? Ooh, that would be good. After the wedding, I really hope that Welion guy can knock some sense into her, although by the end of my plan, he wont have to. I smiled mischievously. Everything was falling perfectly in place. But I needed an accomplice; someone I could trust.

I climbed the tree that held my old little room. I easily slid down the trunk and landed, without a sound, on the ground. My destination was set for a certain ellon's room that I had grown quite found of. I scaled the tree and pulled myself onto the porch-like thing. I knocked on the rotted wood door softly knowing that the elf in side would wake up even at the slightest knock. The door swung open with a scowling face, most likely expecting to see ion nin. (my son) I watched his face twist into a new expression, confusion, before going blank. "Welcome, my King. To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked politely. Yes he would be perfect.

"Do you mind if I come in and discuss something with you?" I inquired. He has to say yes out of respect for any elven king, but I think even if I were a commoner, he would allow me inside. He nodded and I walked in. It looked very much like mine accept he had done some heavy duty cleaning. The walls, I could tell, were newly scrubbed and polished, much like the floor. His bed had new covers and looked very nice. Although there was something pink hanging out of the side. I let it slide from my mind when he started speaking.

"So, my King, what is it you would like to discus?" He looked like he really cared and as if he really wanted to know. His curiosity was not out of hand though, which I respected. He was a very controlling guy and I liked that too.

"You see Prince Welion, I am currently dealing with the problem of Ginerva, Princess of Lorien. I understand that you will soon be wedding to her although she is currently in a affair with my son. They have grown too close and it needs to stop. I know that you would like the kingdom and riches that come from marrying her, but I think I can get rid of her and secure your wealth. Are you interested." He looked at me then grinned mischievously. He knew I had come up with an 'creative' plan where everyone wins. Except maybe Ginerva. Oh and my sorry accuse of a son. 

"My King, I feel it is my duty to serve you in any way that is possible. Also," he lowered his voice, "This sounds like I can get revenge on Ginerva for kissing Legolas." I looked him strait in the eye. She. Kissed. My. Son. Oh, she was going to die, or severely pay. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the pink thing give away from under the sheets. It fell to the ground without a sound. It was made of lace and made my smirk grow larger. It was a bra. I cannot blame the man. His fiancé was cheating on him so he just wanted to get her off his mind. Completely understandable.

"I have the perfect plan. It will make her mother hate her."

Legolas's POV

I awoke yet again to the sound of Jen's soft breaths, sending chills down my spine. I slowly and unnoticeably, checked my limbs and back. I seemed to have healed. Thank goodness. "Jen, time to get up love." I whispered. she didn't move. Of course, I have to wake her up the usual way. I kissed the tip of her ears making her jump up and put her fists up like she was going to punch someone. She saw me lying on the ground and burst into giggles.

You're finally up sleepy head. I thought you might be dead for a little while." I looked up in confusion. I woke her up. I didn't over sleep that much, only an hour or two. She saw my look. "You slept through yesterday. I tended to your wounds and let you lie here. I picked some berries from around the area, then fell back asleep besides you."

Dang. I slept through a whole day? Things like that never happened to me. I am the Prince of Greenwood the Great. I am not weak. "Well thank you for taking care of my-" I stopped. I was out for an entire day. "I only have one day left with you." I croaked out. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. Jen stepped up to me and wiped them away. She stared into my red swollen eyes before fiercely kissing me. I pushed harder and backed her up against a oak tree. I placed my hands on either side of her and deepened the kiss.

After some time, I broke the kiss and stared deeply into her soul. She had lust and love apparent in her eyes, which I am sure reflected in mine. "Ginerva, I love you so much. You and I know we will never see each other again after the day ends. Please Ginerva," I said getting down on one knee, "will you bond with me?"


Well, there you go. I am sooooooooooooooooo sorry that I couldn't update sooner. I hate filler chapters, yet this is definitely one. So really sorry, blah blah blah. If you don't know what an elvish bond is, ask me in comments... Yup that is about it. Luv you all.


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