Chapter 4

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Legolas's POV

I love seeing Aragorn, because, of course, he is my best friend. But really I was late and it is guaranteed he won't be happy. I am only a hour from being there but still... I had to go faster so I urged Arod on. The trees seemed like they were trying to talk to me but I was not really listening. Wind whipped around my ears filling my brain with fragments and phrases from them. I heard whispers about a king who had... Who knows because I didn't hear the rest. The trees here are really young, I noted. Much younger than me... On the way to Gondor, I always watch the trees. No men seem to hear the whispers so when I come they practically scream to me the adventures people have had in them recently. Sometimes the race of men is so oblivious. The trees were taught to talk from elves so I constantly hear elvish whispers. Their green oak leaves always fall on me, as if they are trying to get me to play with them.

I miss Mirkwood because it is full of old trees and young ones. The people back at home are really kind too. People are all very concerned about other's good welfare. The children run about chasing each other while parents sit and chat. I usually am off in a garden picking beautiful flowers for which ever elf-maiden I am currently courting. I haven't found one I fancy yet other than Jen. The girls were pretty and all, but kind of shallow and fake.

Now I am only an hour away from meeting with the most stubborn one that I haven't seen for eleven years. Sweet little Generva, who I may have fallen for. Why why why did I get myself into this?! Oh... I guess Arron was right, I really didn't have a choice.

Jenny's POV

"Come on, Micheil! Let's go get in the raft!" I was taking him out on an adventure until Legolas got here.

"Ok Auntie!! Does that mean I am a pirate from those silly books men have written?" He is so cute, living in the imaginary world that exists in his head. I guessed he was talking about the one I had just read him: Pirates of the Caribbean. He loves the character CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.

"Of course. I will be Will Turner and you can be Jack." He seemed content but I was really aching to go hunt and kill something. Probably an orc but if one certain elf 'got in the way' I wouldn't hesitate to shoot. Speaking of the devil, where is he?! "Ready to go, Captain?" I asked after I had helped Micheil into the boat that was just a ship carved out of a tree. We pushed off the shallow end into the crystal clear lake. This was Micheil and I's lake. We were the only ones who knew about it and we always traveled to it when he was left in my care. Or just for a 'playdate'. It was three miles away from civilization so it was rare for people to stray this way.

The lake was warm, a deep aqua color, pretty shallow, great for swimming, and was sheltered by very old pine trees. It was absolutely perfect for the two of us, but I made Micheil promise that when he found the girl he would marry, he would bring her here. Then their kids and so on. After this week I may never come here again. This was my favorite place in Middle Earth and when I leave it might be the last time I step on the perfect ground. Never had I been so down, except when I walked away from Legolas after he was told he had to marry.

Come to think of it, it has been eleven years and I haven't spoken to him so he may have married and started a family. Will he bring his wife and children to stay here this trip? Humph. This would be easier if it was just me and Micheil for a week. I wonder if I can sneak away with him and-

"Ahh!!!" Micheil screamed snapping me out of my thoughts.

Legolas's POV

When riding I looked into the distance and spotted a small pond. Maybe I'll let Arod rest there... Just a short stop won't hurt.

When I was standing on the beach letting my horse drink, I saw a makeshift boat waiting on the other side of the lake. Suddenly, out of the woods next to the boat came a maiden and a small boy. They were pretend sword fighting with sticks. After using my elven eye sight I realized that this was a red headed maiden, and there is only one elf that has that hair. Little Jenny. So the boy must be Micheil. He was only just born when I visited last.

He was only three now right, or was he five? Oh well. "Let's have some fun, shall we?" I muttered to my self.

Jenny's POV

"Ahh!" Micheil yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What is is?" I asked while pulling out my bow and arrows.

"We are at the beach, now Will, come with me. Or you can stay and clean the deck." He stated making be chuckle a little.

"Don't worry, sir. I'm coming sir." I stated back formally.

"Hey Auntie?" He whispered as if he would be heard by others if he spoke to loud, "can we pretend that we are fighting for that treasure chest now?"

"Captain, I think we should go to shore and dig up the buried treasure." He smiled and jumped onto the land.

"Ok four steps right," he said taking four steps to the left.

"Other right, Captain Jack." I said smiling. He was so young and cute. Quickly he changed directions and marched deep into the woods. He pretended to dig up ton of gold then, because he asked, I held a stick up to his neck. He and I probably did this six or seven times a day though and he was prepared. He quickly turned and started sword fighting me. He pushed me back to the water and made me climb into the boat. We were standing on this log running back and forth trying to 'hurt' each other.

This went on for a minute or so until we were fighting at the middle of the lake. Before I could react an arrow went flying past me getting stuck it extra cloth at the bottom of Micheil's shorts. That was either extremely lucky for us or an amazing talented shot.



Sorry I haven't updated in a few days but I'm trying. Love you guys if anyone would be so kind to give me my first vote, I would be over joyed. Love you:)

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