Chapter 1

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Generva's POV

I walked peacefully through the gardens in Gondor. They were nothing compared to the ones at home, but you could see that Arwen had been at work, transforming the once-forsaken garden into a magical refuge for all elves. Not that many of my kind visited human realms, but it was soothing for my soul at least. Or perhaps it only brought comfort to the person I was in the past.

Saying that I had changed because of Welion was the truth. I once was sweet, slow to anger, and rational, but each trait turned into anger after a while. The only thing that stayed constant throughout the whole process was my red hair. And magic of course, but that was kind of a secret. I flung my head back and let the sunlight pour upon it, but it hardly seemed to lift my dampened spirits.

I sat on a old, handmade bench that had been delicately carved. None of the figures looked like any form of letter, but they were all beautiful swirls and leafs. Not that it was important in any way, it was simply a comforting... Embellishment.

Surrounded by beauty, I couldn't help believing that the Valar were trying to lift my darkened mind. I yearned for anything better than the pit I was entering. I knew of the path before me. Marriage, pain of a child, pain of being wed to a miserable elf, and just life in general. I think I am starting to sound depressed. I am a princess and I know my duty. Yet I kinda gave up on that maxim a long time ago. Someday I will have to be mature and become Queen. Just as the woman approaching now.

I gave her an upset look and Arwen sighed loudly, clearly annoyed with my stubbornness. We weren't getting along at the moment.

"Jenny please understand, Aragorn and I just want a break.  I got someone to take care of Micheil. Don't worry I think it'll be fine, but you have to stop being so pessimistic. You know we never get time off. Can't you just pretend to be happy? It is the perfect time for a get away." Arwen tried to explain to me. She was being reasonable, like usual, and I yet again, was the immature one.

"Actually it is the worst time to leave!! I am getting married to my enemy. Don't tell me you have forgotten all the incidents he pulled me into when we were little! And for some idiotic reason, you think it is just swell to pick up and leave. Some times I wonder if you even care about me!" I stormed. Yup, I am SUPER hot headed. Kidding!! That was an understatement.

"Listen, I am really sorry but in a week you will be married. You know neither of us can do anything to change that. I will always care about you, but really, I need a week away also. I would love to reschedule, but Aragorn planned this a year ago. I will be at you wedding." I rolled my eyes and mimicked her.

"I might not." I mumbled. She shot me a look that was a mix between sympathy and 'grow up'.

"Anyways... until then just relax here. And if you have the time, play with Micheil, because some times I'm worried he doesn't have enough friends. I know the sitter will give him some attention too, but I'm not sure how well they'll get along." Arwen added nervously.

"Why are you so concerned? Nearly any human nanny would be honored to have the opportunity to care for a royal child, not to mention they wouldn't turn away the pay..." I smirked.

"Well, my concern is not just for Micheil. I was hoping you wouldn't ask and I wouldn't have to answer. We asked Legolas to come in for the week to watch our son because we both know how limited our friend group is."

"The Prince of Mirkwood." I sighed. Well, shit. Ever since we had met as children, I had always felt accepted and somewhat loved by him. Even though my marriage was arranged with Welion I couldn't seem to control my heart. "Wasn't there anyone else? I mean a nanny could do this job just as well, and you wouldn't have to worry about Legolas's immaturity."

Micheil doesn't listen to anyone except me. I suppose it's because I'm the exciting Godmother that lets him stay up late and eat two servings of dessert. Ah children are so easily bribed. "Why don't you just leave me charge? Legolas doesn't have the best track record, for all we know he will leave Micheil and go hunting!" Even though that was probably an unrealistic assumption, I'd feel safer knowing Micheil was under my supervision. Legolas has a good heart and a good head on his shoulders.

"Jenny, I just want you to relax and be mellow. This is like your vacation. As for Micheil's situation, we both know neither of us have any friends other than our little royals group. I could have called Welion, but, not only do I not trust him with Michiel, I don't trust him with you alone. Thank you for offering but I'm sure Legolas can handle. And trust me, I would have way rather left him with one of my trusted nannies, but they will actually be accompanying Aragorn and I on our trip. Try to enjoy your stay." She replied to me sweetly.

"I understand... but I will be keeping a close eye on my favorite godson." I promised.

"I trust you will, but I don't want you to worry about a task while you're still free. You only have a week. Try to live it. And don't completely ruin your life while I'm away, alright?" She laughed a little bit at her joke and I smiled.

"I'll try," I muttered.

"Thank you. I am going to go get our stuff. I'll see you in a week," she hugged me tightly.

In my life time I have achieved a lot. How did I want to spend my last week of freedom? Maybe I want to jump of a tree into a deep river. Then swim miles away. And never return. Ever. The sad thing was I would make it only a hour before the guards would chase me down. Then I would be locked in the castle for eternity. Obviously I need a new agenda.

I guess I can fall back on the regular.
Entertain Micheil.

Sorry I know my chapters are short but I really am trying. It will only take three or four chapters for a kiss!!



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