Chapter 11

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Jenny's POV

I quickly caught up with Legolas and whispered some elvish to Arod to slow him. Unfortunately, Acorn heard me also and both horses slowed. "Humpf." I sighed in irritation. I may have had said it louder than I thought though because out of the corner of my eye I saw him glance at me. "Pe-channas" (Idiot) I spoke to Acorn jokingly. Legolas looked at me with shining eyes the burst out laughing. I joined him, giggling at the beautiful, melodic laugh and amusement he displayed.

After laughing for a minute I peered around. "Mi van me?" (Where are we?) I didn't recognize the place we were standing.

"U iston." (I don't know) he answered truthfully. Or so I believed. He jumped off Arod and looked around. The trees started speaking. They whispered different things and most of it was just usual chatter. "Where are there orcs?" Legolas whispered to a tree. My elven senses picked up the reply.

"There is only one group," It spoke slowly. "These orcs are weak and in small numbers, but they have cut down three trees near a mirror that shines gold at noon and silver at midnight." Legolas's face was priceless. He didn't even try to conceal his confused state.

"Oh leos..." I spoke using his silly childhood nickname, "Don't you understand?" I inquired in a high, girly, smart alic voice. "They mean the lake you found me and shot the prince in?" Legolas's face scrunched up more for a second before it was replaced by a 'Oh that was easy' look. "Gwaem" (let's go)

I swung my leg over Acorn so I could sit strongly on her back. I leaned forward and forcefully spoke, "Noro!" (Run) And we were off. Legolas stayed just behind me. We were close and I decided to notch an arrow. I sat up strait and Acorn slowed to a stop, allowing me to slide off and quietly sneak around. Acorn hid herself along with Arod. Legolas and I heard a orc snore not too far off. We crept up to get a closer look.

There were three trees laying on the ground that guarded the orc pack of twenty from view. Only, unfortunately for them, Legolas and I have exceptional hearing and easily found them. I crept up and waited for Legolas's signal from the opposite side of camp. His head popped up and he blew me a kiss. I flushed but fired an arrow into the neck of a guard. He fell dead without a sound then the one next to him also collapsed. Now that we had killed the watchmen, we jumped into the camp and started shooting. One orc wailed slightly and awoke the others. All the orcs jumped up and pulled swords out from there sheathes. Legolas and I worked together to chop and slice them all.

One of my swift daggers, that I always had strapped to my back, dug into the last living orc until I couldn't hear his breath any longer. I pulled the blade out and cleaned the blackened blood off. I was gathering up my fired arrows when I heard someone behind me. I smiled and started to spin around. Oh Legolas... A fierce pain struck me in the side and blood started to rush out. On the ground lay a now dead orc with one of Legolas's beautiful arrows sticking out of it. I glanced up to see my love running towards me.

His face seemed worried but I couldn't remember why. His... who is this person coming at me? I have never seen this... "Jenny. You'll be ok don't worry. I'll bring you back and the healers will save you." Who does this blonde freak think he is? What is a healer? Bring me back to where? Where am I? Who am I?

Then, I blacked out.

Legolas's POV

I heard tons of commotion behind me and knew it couldn't be just Jen making that much noise. Right as my head turned, I caught sight of a orc with a dagger ready to plunge it into her side. I sent an arrow into his neck. But he was already moving to stab her and by rules of inertia, the small knife continued to move, imbedding itself in her stomach. Her face instantly paled and I moved my feet so I was sprinting towards her. Her eyes first looked as if they were pleading for help, then they quickly switched to confusion and fear.

I knelt beside her and ripped the dagger out. It was poisoned and spreading quickly. "Jenny. You'll be ok don't worry. I'll bring you back and the healers will save you." I tried to calm her. Blood was flowing out so I quickly ripped off the bottom of my tunic. I lifted her shirt up, right under her breasts, but she looked like she didn't notice. Confusion flashed over her face before she went limp in my arms. I wrapped the makeshift bandage around her midsection I hopes of slowing the blood flow.

I noticed her shirt was dripping with blood. I called our horses and the came quickly trotting up. Acorn saw the problem and allowed me to open her satchel. Usually the horse would have bucked and kept me away because she kept her 'journal' in there. I noticed she hadn't packed and extra clothes so I ran to Arod. I untied the strings to my bag. At the bottom I had a old but clean tunic that I wore when I journeyed with the fellowship.

Without staring -too much- I slid her shirt off and quickly slid my old tunic on. Of course she had her bra on but...The shirt was a little big on her but she looked a little more relaxed. I carried her bridal-style to Arod and jumped on behind her weak body. I rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped a hand around her waist.

I kicked Arod's sides and we were off. Acorn followed close behind wanting to make sure that Ginerva was alright. The dash back was quick. I rushed to the stables and jumped off. Arod and Acorn understood and sat down infront of their stalls. I carried Jenny quickly to the healer rooms. There was a big group of mortal docters standing around eating lunch. "Pedil ed hellen?" (Do you speak Elvish) I asked the group.

"Pedin ed hellen. Im Arthur." (I speak Elvish. I am Arthur) He spoke back in broken elvish. He would have to do.

"Boe de nestad." (She heeds healing) I stated gesturing down to the eleth in my arms. She looked as if life was slowly dripping out of her, with every drop of blood.



You all have the right to be mad at me. Sorry I really should update more. Tell me what you think of this new predicament. I mean... in the story. Oh, and also, all elvish words are defined right next to it in parenthesis. Love you my loyal readers!!


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