Chapter 19

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Legolas's POV

"Will you bond with me?" I knew this question could get me killed. But everything in the last few days could send me to the grave. I was in trouble. I had kissed a girl that was engaged, disobeyed the King of Mirkwood, and talked back to my ada. And when Aragorn and Arwen got back, I knew they wouldn't be happy with Jen or I for spending so little time with Micheil. The poor boy hadn't seen either of his supposed care takers for what, four days? Five?

"Legolas, you know that I would have lived my entire live with you. It is not fair our life is like this. We are not perfect, but at least we are fighting for love. Others are driven by greed and lust. But we only want to be together. I always imagine us, sitting alone on a small farm with red headed, blue eyed children playing in the fields. Yet we were born into royalty. I don't know why I cannot be with you. My father controls my life and Thranduil, yours." She pressed her lips on mine again. I will take that as a yes. I picked her up and carried her to the base of OUR tree house. It will always be ours no matter what others try to say. I threw her on my back and scaled the tree quickly, swinging from branch to branch. Although halfway up, I almost lost my grip. She had started kissing my ear tips and I was going crazy.

When I got up to the top platform, I kissed her again. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her inside.

Thranduil's POV

Welion and I had it all planned. I was going to get Legolas to 'cross borders' and try to bond with her. It would be weird but then if I could get Lady Galadriel there, everything would fall into place. It was such a despicable thing for them to be in love. I had just made Welion go get Ginerva. So that is where he was at the moment; running through the woods to her room. Then BINGO!

Now I had to find my son and Galadriel. Where the heck were they? I searched everywhere but there rooms. They were not in the woods, or kitchens. They couldn't be found anywhere normal. So I thought they must be relaxing in their rooms. I knocked slowly on Lady Galadriel's wooden door. She reached it within seconds and swiftly cracked it open. "King Thranduil, how may I assist you?" She asked. I hated seeing her because it only brought back memories of my now dead wife, Lindir.

"I was wondering if-" I was cut off by a gruff voice behind me. It was definitely a man's and it sounded as if it were urgent.

"My King," Welion spoke, bowing, "my Queen. I have come in great rush for I have found something you both must see." Oh this is going to be good, but this wasn't part of our plan so I am not exactly sure what he is doing. We both nodded and slid down the trunk. Welion broke off in a run so the Lady and I followed quickly. He stopped at Ginerva's tree and began to climb. His pace was alarming. He reached the top and offered a hand to Galadriel. What a gentleman. This was the kind of ruler a kingdom needed.

He beckoned us closer. He silenced our already dead-silent selves, then pointed to a crack in the old wood that allowed one to easily peer inside. I mentioned to the Golden Lady to go first and she looked through. She stepped up and stared inside. Her body stiffened then I saw her features light up. She was glowing happily. What could she see that would make her so joyful? She beamed at me then opened the door. Surprisingly, it didn't even squeak. She walked in soundlessly and I followed.

As soon as I rounded the corner, The sight almost made me whip Legolas right then and there. But I couldn't because this would work perfectly with- Wait. Lady Galadriel was still smiling. Oh no something was wrong. That was not the reaction I was hoping for when she was something of this sort.

"I see, Ginerva, that you have found one that you love." Both Legolas and Jenny shot up and flushed wildly. Jenny shone and smiled at her mother. Legolas's eyes met my grimace and his features filled with fear. He knew I was planning something.

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