Chapter 3

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Legolas's POV

The journey was completely boring. I didn't see one Orc I could shoot, and the weather was perfect. I didn't stop to eat because I hardly ever feel hungry and I ate this morning. I just don't need much to keep my body functioning.

Four hours into my trip, Arod slowed. Quickly I found a stream and let him rest. "What are we going to do? In two hours we have to see her. Will she even know that we are coming?"

Arod neighed as if to say, "This is definitely not an us. Just you have to worry."

"Thanks for the support, boy." I mumbled. "Let's see. If I see her and she doesn't know of my coming, I will walk up, bow, and act like I have never met her before. We can put on an act hopefully and start over.

"If I get there and she knows I'm coming, I don't know. I'll let her make the first move then go along with it. If she is happy then I will act likewise. If she gets mad... I'm dead."

Arod whinnied and it sounded as if he was laughing. That was the thing I love most about him, he is so animated. When we were best friends, Jen and I, I took her out on Arod and a few times the poor horse witnessed her anger. He knew what I meant.

"This is going to be weird, but I am going to talk to her about my wedding. She doesn't know that in a year I will be married. It will probably shock her that I am wedding so soon." If only I could prepare for the next week.

Jenny's POV

I paced in my room going over all the possible outcomes of seeing... him... again. What if he didn't even know I was here? How would he react? Would he lash out, or more likely, would I blow my top? What if he-


"Yes? Come in?" Suddenly Arwen, Aragorn, and Micheil were standing in front of me. Aragon had two light bags in his hands and both parents had cloaks on. Arwen's was scarlet and The king's was royal blue. With a glance at each other, making some sort of agreement, they stared back at me a little shy.

"Hello you three. To whom do I owe this visit?" Why in the world were they here, in my room, when Legolas hadn't even arrived yet? The darn boy probably got stuck by a river somewhere practicing archery. Actually, got once I don't blame him. I would love to go that right now. Maybe I will after this conversation.

"Auntie Jenny!! Mommy is going to let me play with you!!" The three year old yelled in excitement. It hurt my ears. After he learned how to talk, I learned to look past the ringing that it caused and love the loud but angelic voice. So cute!

"Ginerva," Arwen spoke up, "we are leaving now. Sorry Legolas couldn't be here yet but he should arrive soon. Until then please take care of Micheil." Uh. It is ok that he hasn't showed yet. I was expecting him to not care in the slightest when given the responsibility of another being!

"Of course." I rapped her in my arms and when I was pulling back, "Now go conceive." I whispered into her ear. The face she is making is priceless.

"How can you tell?" She turned back asking. Haha caught you!! Now is not the time to rub in victory. Maybe later. Actually probably never cause I won't see them after this week. Maybe.

"Bye! Wave goodbye, Micheil!" Arwen now knew I was defiantly not going to tell her how I am so sneaky. I am too sneaky for my own good. Legolas told me that about twice a day. Speaking of the devil, now all I have to worry about is Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood.

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