The Accident

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It was a late night in New York City, the empty streets and the people who were asleep in their apartment buildings. It was quite a chilly night, Maya and Riley were at Topangas with Maya's mother Katie, who was cleaning up. Meanwhile Maya and Riley drank hot chocolate and just enjoyed the friendly atmosphere.

It was a Saturday night, around 9pm, Riley and Maya would always come here until the clock strikes midnight and they'll go home. They would sometimes do their homework, project or just came here to taste the bakery food. It was just them and Katie.

"Okay Riley, your driver's almost here to take you home" Katie said rubbing her hands on her apron. "And Maya, get ready, we're going home" she said looking up at Maya.

"No, mom, I'm going home with Riley today, is that okay?" Maya asked, uncertainly.

"Okay, that's okay,as long as you girls go home safely" Katie said, cleaning the counter.

They both went back to their hot chocolate, and as they took a sip, Riley had put her cup down. She leaned on Maya's shoulder and Maya let her. Them both thinking how nothing could bring them down and they'll always be best friends.

"Maya, can I ask you a favor?" Riley asked, suddenly looking up and into Maya's eyes.

"What is it Riles?" Maya said, rationally.

"You'll always be there for me right?" Riley asked, overthinking that their friendship will collapse down.

Maya stared at her seriously.

"Are you kidding Riley?? Of course I'll be there for you even if you're lost or you're hurt, yea I promise I'll always be there for you Riles" she said, as she moved her arms to hug Riley.

Maya had always been there for Riley, even in bad times, she knew that Riley made her better and together they are seamless.

"Car's here girls" Katie called out for Riley and Maya as she grab their coats from the rack near the door and handed it to them.

The girls put their coats on and headed outside into the dark cold street where the car Riley's mom had hired approached to bring Riley home after she was done doing homework at the bakery. It was a November, so it was quite chilly but it was unlikely to snow.

They both got into the car and waved goodbye to Maya's mother, and Katie waved back and walked down the street, returning home.

Riley and Maya were feeling relaxed and was entertained by looking through the window to see street lights slowly turn on further and a few cars passing by.

Everyday it took 29 minutes to head back to Riley's home with no cars around at night, it was almost 10 and they both felt very sleepy. The driver didn't mind driving at night from place to place cause he would always get paid the amount he was suppose to have, with an extra tip.

Riley and Maya sat at the back, Riley sat on the left side which was behind the driver's seat and Maya sat on the right. And a few minutes later, Riley had dozed off, lying her head against the window. but Maya was still wide awake.

The car drove across the streets swiftly and smoothly, they stopped and waited at the traffic light when it turned red.

Maya tilted her head on Riley's side to lay her head on Riley's shoulder and then saw another car from the distance approaching.

It was driving very fast from Riley's side of the view. Is it going to stop? Maya thought to herself, it was coming very fast.

The traffic light on their side turned green, Their car eventually starting exhilarating and was moving forward. But on the other hand Maya realized something. That other car was going to crash into theirs.

"Stop!!!" Maya yelled, but after a second it all came so fast. The other car had crashed into theirs and had pushed them off the lane. It dragged them across the icy road and it was non stop. The window shattered into tiny pieces of glass.

Maya had seen the terror, her best friend was still asleep, is this it?

All Maya could do was squeeze Riley's hand and hold her tight, not letting her go.

"Riley!!!" Maya had called out again and again. Nothing happened and then all was a blur.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A/N: Hey guys, please vote on it and please feel free to leave a comment below.

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