I'm Your Best Friend

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It was a cool, yet breezy, cloudy morning and the clouds were grey, making it looked like it was about to rain.

Only a couple of people chose to walk outside. It wasn't normal, usually people would be running up and down the streets to go to work or would just be standing there in line to buy hotdogs on the side of the road.
Well today was a Sunday, though it had never been empty like this.

Over there on elm street remained the road where the accident happened last night, the police had arrived half a hour after the accident had occurred.

Riley and Maya had been brought to the hospital.

It was 8:31 am, it was quite chilly in the hospital room where Riley's parents and Katy had been waiting.

Maya was asleep in bed in the hospital room alongside the other patients who were also in the same room. She later opened her eyes and looked around and noticed she was in a hospital suit. She then hesitated to find herself looking at a nurse.

"It's okay honey, just stay right there" said the nurse making notes on her pad.

"Where's my friend?" Maya asked

"Here have this, you have to eat something" the nurse said handing her a cup of pudding.

"Where's Riley??" Maya asked, tempting herself.

"Now, now, you must eat or you'll starve yourself" said the nurse, avoiding Maya's question.

"Where's Riley!!!!!???!!!!!" Maya shouted as tears rolled down her eyes. "Where is she!!!" Maya yelled again and again, trying to get herself out of the bed.

The other patients in their beds were turning to her, the other nurses ran in to try calm Maya down. But that wasn't helping Maya from crying and yelling. Suddenly Katy came into the room, and held Maya's hand.
"It's okay baby girl" and hugged her. Eventually Maya slowly started to calm down.

"Mom, where's Riley?" Maya asked

"She's okay, they're just covering up her wounds" Katy said

"i gotta see her"  Maya said

"I know, but not yet, honey" Katy said

They both sat on the bed and waited and later on, Cory and Topanga came into the room.

"Maya, you feeling alright?" Topanga asked

"Yea" Maya replied, she bit her lip. "How's Riley?" She asked

"She's fine Maya" Cory said, comforting her.

"What actually happened? I only remembered calling for Riley and it was all a blur" Maya said to the three of them.

"Well, they said another car crashed into ours and it was all a mess" Topanga said

"Oh yeah, I remember the vehicle approaching" Maya said nodding, "but wait, what about the driver?" She said feeling a shiver run down her shoulders.

"Oh, umm, Frank, he...." Katy paused and let out a sigh "he passed Maya" Katy said.

"And... And who was the person behind the wheels when they crashed into ours?"

"We don't know, he transferred to another hospital, but I think he might have......"

Maya covered her mouth with her hands, she couldn't believe the tragedy. She felt negative of what had happened to Riley but was still hoping Riley was okay.

Hours passed by, and it was 12 pm. Maya sat there eating her lunch with her mother in the hospital cafeteria. They both ate onion soup and bread.

"You're lucky that you only had a few scratches" Katy said, sipping her soup.

"Yea" Maya said, tearing her bread into pieces.

"Maya" Cory called out. "It's Riley, she's awake" he said

Maya quickly got up and ran to Cory and headed to Riley's room. And Katy followed after.

Maya and Cory were waiting outside The room,

"Cory, just you and me, sorry Maya, can you wait?" Topanga said.

"Sure" Maya nodded and waited outside the room

Minutes had passed and she was called to come in. Maya slowly walked in and closed the door behind her and walked towards The bed where Riley laid.

"Hey, are you feeling ok?" Maya asked.

"It kinda hurts.... on my head" Riley said, rubbing her head.

"You'll be better soon" Maya said, smiling at Riley

"Thank you" Riley replied as she smiled back. She looked around and felt her head and looked at her hands and all the scratches on them.

"So, you're my mom, and you're my dad?" Riley said pointing towards Cory and Topanga.

Maya raised her brows up and looked puzzled.

"Of course, they're your parents Riley" Maya said looking at Riley, then she turned to Cory who looked anxious.

"Wait..... Do you know who I am?" Maya said, looking worried

"Yea" Riley said. Maya let out a sigh and made a delighted expression.

"Ummm, you're my nurse??" Riley said, looking confused.

The expression on Maya's face had changed.

She moved closer to Riley,
"Riley, I'm your best friend"

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