Falling Apart

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It's been days since the aftermath of what happened. Everyday somebody was in a mess and somebody would help out. None of the old memories were coming back to Riley's mind, she was still struggling. But today something will occurred.

It was a Friday afternoon, the group of friends were at Topangas, talking and eating the bakery bread. Riley had a cup of cocoa on her right hand and bread on the other. They were talking to each other and out of nowhere Riley had a glimpse of what seemed to be a memory that flashed into her mind.

She quickly got up, dropped her cup and the little piece of bread she had held, she looked at her friends who were staring at her especially Maya who was shocked, confused and worried.

"W- what's wrong??" Maya asked shakingly. Her tears fled from her eyes as she was looking at her bestfriend. "Riley... What's the matter??"

"Uhhhh.... Nothing.... I'll be right back... Um.. I need some space." Riley said as she headed out the door and stood there with shock as well.

She remembers a bit, the memory that came to her was when she was with a boy who was blonde, Lucas? Yes, Lucas. The guy who she fell in love with, she fell on his lap on the subway and went on their first date. Riley now remembers Lucas and how she likes him very much.

Farkle? Well, that also came back, he was the one who was always there for her and loved her for who she was.

Maya? No memory of Maya came back at all. But Riley believed she was her one and only best friend but she does not remember anything they've shared.

But the important thing right now is the memory of Lucas and Farkle that came back, and she felt the relieve.

Then Farkle popped out of the door and walked to her. "Riley? What's going on?"

"I remember, Farkle" she said as she was smiling at him which made him smile.

"I remember you and Lucas, not Maya yet but that'll come but, I remember you" Riley said. A tear fell down. Farkle then hugged her.

"Maya's worried, she's scared for you" Farkle told her.  Riley and Farkle walked back inside.

And Riley saw what she couldn't believe she saw.

Maya was sitting there next to Lucas, she was in Lucas's arm and he was hugging her and they had a kiss, a very light one. Maya and Lucas looked her way.

"Riley" Maya called out.

Riley was filled with anger right now, seeing the boy she liked kissing the girl who said she was her best friend.

"Riley, I need to know what happened to you, what's the matter?" Maya asked as she was still sobbing.

"You wanna know what happened???? Well, my memories came back, I remember Farkle and I remembered the guy who I fell on his laps on the subway and how I kissed him and now I see who seems to be my friend kissing him!!!!!!" Riley yelled and everybody in the room looked at her with fright.

"Riley, the kiss, that didn't mean-

Riley cut Maya off. "I thought you said you were my best friend!!! I thought you were there for me!!!!" Riley shouted. Tears were all over her face and she wiped them off, but it didn't stop.

"Don't come near me.... just don't talk to me" Riley said as she was grasping her stomach and sobbing.

"I wish I had-d nev-er remember any of you and I wish you would just go away!!!!"

"Riley" Maya said walking up to her and attempted to held her hand.

"Don't touch me!!!!" Riley stammered. She pushed Maya to the ground, which caused everyone to get up and walked to the area.

They both looked each other in the eyes, "you're not my best friend Maya" Riley told her directly, and walked out the door with no more words to say.

Maya was still lying on the ground, sobbing again and again. She wouldn't let anybody help her, she just needed some time by herself to think.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>hi guys! how was this chapter? Anyways please vote and leave any comments.

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