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Maya's POV
I walked out of Riley's room and headed into the kitchen to find Lucas, Farkle, Topanga, Cory and Auggie who were all sitting, eating breakfast.

"Morning Maya, want some pancakes?" Topanga said as she went to the counter and toss the pancake batter into the pan.

"Uhh sure" I replied, and quietly sat down between Lucas and Farkle.

I didn't feel like talking today, I don't know why but I just felt so empty.

"Oh my god, are you sure??" Cory was talking on the phone with someone. "Oh you're coming back right now?? Oh thank you, yea... Bye"

"I just got off the phone with Shawn, he had Riley"

"What?? Riley's with Shawn??" Auggie said stunningly.

"Apparently she came to him and well yea... She is fine" Cory said.

"Oh my" Topanga said as she ran to hug Cory.

I was shocked, mortified as well, I mean who would have thought she went to Shawn. I should have known though.

......... .....

Riley's POV
I was now heading back to New York City, boarding a train with Shawn. As we came in, I noticed every seat had been taken and we weren't the only ones who were standing either. Apparently everyone was trying to get to New York.

"Riley, there's a seat empty over there next to that lady" Shawn pointed out. "You can go sit"

I didn't hesitate cause I was actually exhausted from all the standing ive managed for just about 10 minutes. I casually walked by the other passengers who were looking at me with their unfriendly eyes as I pass.

I sat down near a lady who seemed to be around in her mid 30s or 40s I suppose, she didn't looked that old but she looked very wise.

The train had started to move and I knew for a fact that this was going to be a long journey for me. If I came back, what would I tell them? What do I even do? I ran away and now I have to face the consequence without having a solution.

"Your name is Riley, am I right?" Someone said as I heard the voice coming from the side of my ear.

I turned to see that woman, looking at me with her dark green eyes.

"Uhhh.. Yes.. My name is Riley" I said, smiling yet also having uncertainty towards this woman.

"You don't seem so sure" she replied.

"I'm.. Really not sure either" I confessed.

"I'm sorry darling, I don't mean to intrigue but I just can't seem to get you out of the picture. I mean you seem very unique and very worth to talk about" she said.

"Oh, thanks" I said. I frowned. How did she know me??

"Now tell me, where's your friend? You know, the one with the blonde hair"

"How do you know Ma-
I paused.

"Look, it's very nice for you to compliment me but It doesn't mean you have to get personal" I stammered. "And how do you even know me???"

"Ahh sorry darling, just habits I presume" she said, then she pulled out which I thought to be a cigarette which it was, and she lit it up.

"Are you allow to smoke in here?" I asked.

"No, but It just eases my mind darling." As she breathes in the fumes and lets out smoke from her mouth.

"Plus, you can't blame me for getting personal darling, I've known you since you were little.... I remember you and your best friend, Maya, often came to the subway and headed to school together"

"I don't remember that" i said.

"But I do" she turned to me again looking at me with her dark green eyes. "And one day you and your friend met a boy on the train"

"Lucas" I said.

"Yes, afterwards you all came very good friends" she said as she breathe out one last smoke from her mouth, and tossed the cigarette on the floor.

"You can't avoid the past darling, try and remember it and you will once truly know yourself"

"Tell me, how was I like?" I asked her.

"You were that young girl who was cheerful, optimistic and a very good, loyal friend. You were not afraid to stand up and fight for your friends and your beliefs are stronger than anyone I've come across with. You would do anything to keep your loving friends happy."

"And even if you aren't those things, your friends still love you"

"How are you sure???" I asked her.

"I just know darling" she answered.

"But like how???!???" I asked her eagerly.

"Because, they still love you now even though you're not yourself"

I had widen my eyes and had once closed them once I realized I was very tired of the mess I'm in, and I slept throughout the train ride. Not sleeping but just shutting my eyes.

..... ...............

Someone had knocked on the Matthews door three times, Cory and Topanga slowly made it to their door and opened it to find Shawn Hunter with their daughter Riley. They both hugged their daughter and later hugged Shawn.

"Honey, are you all right???' Topanga asked touching Riley's face.

"I'm fine mum" she answered as they both hugged her more.

And from the corner of the living room, Maya, Lucas and Farkle were there looking at Riley, smiling. Riley smiled back and came a bit closer.

"Hi" she greeted them.

"Hey Riley" Farkle and Lucas said as they both ran down the steps to hug her.

Then there was Maya who hadn't said a word since Riley got here.



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