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A week has past so far, Riley and Maya's conflict stayed the exact same. There was no solution to it.

Riley had been calling Maya non-stop these days, blowing up Maya's phone with messages and missed calls for the last few days, of course Maya didn't answer, she didnt really know what to do.

Maya was laying in her own comfy bed, covering herself with a blanket. Her room was dark due to the curtains being closed and the only source of light, was coming from the door which was creaked opened a bit. Although Maya didn't mind, she just wanted to rest her eyes from crying too much.

She felt so emotional every time she thought of Riley or Lucas and Farkle, she felt like carrying all this weight on her shoulders, and didn't know how to stop. But In Order to make the feeling go away, she would have to forget about all of them for a second.

Her heart was pounding quicker than usual, it was like all the thoughts from her mind had suddenly been replaced in her heart and it was about to explode but it didn't, it stayed there weighing her down. It's same for her mind as well, all these thoughts coming to her like a flood, and the only way to stop was to try and block it.

Her phone rung and made two other beeping sounds, Maya held out her hands and tried reaching for the device on her desk, lazily dragging it into the covers of the blanket.

5 missed call from Riley
3 voicemails from Riley
1 missed call from Farkle
1 missed call from Lucas

She decided to opened up Riley's voicemails first, instead of calling her back.

"Hey Maya, I've been calling you for days now and you haven't picked up, I know you're all right cause I've been asking your mom and she says you're fine but please, please call me"

"Hi Maya, it's me again, I mean Riley by the way. Of course you know it's me, I'm basically the only one who leaves you voicemails but yeah, call me"

She went back and scrolled down her phone and decided to call Farkle.



"Hello?" She heard a friendly calm voice on the other line.


"Maya!!" Farkle screamed, traumatizing Maya's ears.

"You called?"

"Yes, are you okay? You haven't been answering any of our calls"

"I'm fine"

"Good, cause we-"

"Farkle, can you come over, I just need someone to talk to"

"Yeah Maya, I'll come over"

Then he hung up, Maya later threw her phone on the floor and got out of bed, not bothering to pick it up.

She walked out her room and stood by the door, looking around for her mom, only to realize she had left earlier to go to work. Maya walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, taking a carton of milk, and pouring it straight into her mouth.

She heard the door knock and quickly rushed over to open it, to find Farkle with a bag filled with packages of chips and all sorts of Maya's favorite snacks. She glanced at the bag and at him, and the two of them shared a hug.


"so glad you came" Maya said taking a handful of chips as she shoved it into her mouth.

"So glad you called"

"Did Riley ask about me?"

"She doesn't know I'm here, and I'm not planning on telling her if you don't want me to" he says.

"How is she?" Maya asked.

"Fine, everyone is"

"Just feel like I don't deserve anyone, I've been distant lately haven't I?" Maya asked.

Farkle fell silent as he quietly took a munch out of the salted cheese crackers.

"Lucas is leaving in 3 days" Farkle said.

"He's already recovered??? That was fast" Maya said, looking sad.

Farkle looked at her, and sighed.

"You don't have to make this hard Maya, just go see him and Riley"

"It's not that easy"

"Yes it is!!" He raised his voice.


"It's okay" Maya replied.

Farkle rose up from the carpet and slowly headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Maya asked.

"Home, I've got to help my mom with something" he said reaching for the doorknob.

"Farkle" Maya said.

He turned to her.

"Thank you"

He waved goodbye.

And out he went closing the door leaving Maya alone, again.



...  3 days later

"Lucas!!!! Lucas!!!!" Maya called out as Lucas reached his boarding gate at the airport.

Lucas turned his head and so did his parents at the same time, they all saw Maya who was sweating  all over.

"I'll leave you two at it" His mom said and went over to his dad,

"Maya, you came"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, for everything"

"Don't be, you know I'm glad you came" he replied.

"I'll miss you" Maya said giving him a hug which he returned in favor.

"Where are the Matthews? Didn't they come?"

"They did, I said my goodbyes to them and now to you. Goodbye Maya, I hope we'll see each other one day" Lucas said.

"Me too, hope to see you again"

Lucas smiled and gave her another hug, but this time, it was the last hug before they would see each other in a long time Maya thought.

"Take care of her for me" he said walking away, as he departed towards the gate and disappeared.

Maya stood there, speechless. Perhaps he was right, just go to Riley.

Hell, don't be so stupid Maya!!!

Go to her.

Remember Me... {GMW Fanfic} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now