Back to School

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Weeks and weeks past after the accident had occurred, Riley was already brought back home and everything was alright ...for now. Today was Wednesday and it was the day Riley was able to go back to school, of course she won't remember anything but she had a friend to guide her.

The day felt gray and gloomy, it was a pale day and winter had already headed this way. The day was getting cold day by night. As everyone got out of the house, snow started to fall exquisitely onto the grounds of New York City. It was mid way of December already.

Riley only knew her way around the house but not the streets or anywhere else. She was getting ready for school then Maya appeared at her window, Maya tapped on the glass. "Why did you lock it??" She asked.

Riley walked to the window then opened it for her. "To avoid strangers from getting in" Riley answered and walked back to pack her bag.

Maya came in and sat on the bay window waiting for Riley.

"I'm not a stranger Riley, I told you I'm your one and only best friend that you can trust" Maya said proudly.

"Ok then, where's school??" Riley asked strapping her bag onto her back.

"Let's go out the window" Maya said, she was about to go out until Riley stopped her.

"Maya, why can't we just go out the door like normal people??" Riley asked, pointing to the door.

"Cause this is what we always do, we go through the window, walk to the subway and take a train to the other station and walk to school, now let's go" Maya suggested.

"Why are you so bossy Maya, I thought you said you were my friend" Riley said, becoming very serious.

"We are friends Riles, it's just that we like to go out this way and it was only a suggestion" Maya said.

"Well, I'm going through the door" Riley said as she opened the door and strolled out of her room.

Maya rolled her eyes and just calmly followed Riley. They walked into the living room and greeted Cory and Topanga.

"Riley are you okay?" Auggie asked.

"I'm fine Auggie, well I've gotta go to school now, bye guys" Riley called out as she waited for Maya by the front door.

"Bye, see you at school" Cory said.

"Maya, make sure she's alright" Topanga assured.

"Okay Mrs. Matthews" Maya confirmed and headed out with Riley.

Later on, they arrive at school with Riley wondering around the hallways with Maya telling her where things were and where her classes were.

"So our first class together is mathematics" Maya said, pointing at the handwritten notes Riley had received which were filled with information regarding the classes she attended.

Afterwards, Lucas walked by and stopped to greet Riley and Maya.

"Hey Maya, hi Riley" Lucas said rubbing his head, smiling at Riley.

Riley hesitated a little.

"Hi" Riley replied with a normal scent of tone.

Then came Farkle and Smackle. "Hey guys" Farkle called out.

"So does Riley remember you guys yet?" Smackle said a bit loudly.

"I don't remember anybody, but until I do, will you guys stop with the talking about the coma and stuff" Riley said.

Everybody nodded, Riley then went back looking at her paper.

"Well, well" somebody called out from the corner.

"Guess somebody missed School for way to long"

Everybody turned to the corner to see who it was.

"Missy Bradford?" Maya said not surely.

"Who else??" Missy said coming out from the corner, walking closer towards Riley.

"What happen to this little princess?" She asked, having an evil smirk on her face.

"Back off" Maya said, looking straight into Missy's eyes with anger.

"I see you're still here and Lucas and Farkle and who are you??" As her eyes darted Smackle.

"leave her out of this" said Farkle.

"Anywho, so I've heard you've lost all your memories, and you losers can't do anything about it, what kind of friends are you?" Missy said.

"Sorry but Ive got to go" Riley said, turning around, storming off to the other direction.

"I see she hasn't grown up" Missy laugh.

"Just stop, ok?" Maya said and ran after Riley.

"So you attend this high school now?" Lucas asked Missy.

"How come we've never seen you??" Farkle asked.

"Cause you guys are still living in your own stupid world, well guess what, your friendship is going to change because of Riley" She said smiling and slowly walked away.

Time passed, it was moving on so quickly with or without anybody in its way. The hallways of the school were empty considering the students were still in class, it was their last class before the end of the day.

Maya and Riley's class were separated in the last hour of every Wednesday, with Maya having English II and Riley having  English III. Maya was supposed to be with Riley's class together but they got put separately cause it was High School, what do you expect?

Meanwhile, Riley had excused herself from the classroom and headed out to her locker to get her books when suddenly, she sensed somebody behind her. Riley turned and jumped with fear to find out it was Missy.

"You scared me" Riley said, letting out a breath.

"That's okay, it's only me" laughed Missy, she then twisted and played with Riley's hair.

"You have pretty hair" Missy said.

Riley stood there awkwardly not sure what she was suppose to say.

"You know, I was your friend" Missy said.

Riley felt so confused in what was happening.

"You were? Maya said you try to destroy our friendship back in middle school" Riley said puzzled, yet curious.

"Is that what she told you? Well she's wrong, you and I were always best friends and now that you're back at school, wanna hang out?" Missy asked.

"Uhhhhh, I don't know..... " She didn't want to be rude"

"Okay?" Riley said unsurely.

"Great!!! After you're done with class meet me at your locker and we'll go straight to the party and hang!!" Missy said excitedly and went away.

Riley walked slowly to her classroom, she didn't know what was the truth. Was Missy or Maya her best friend??? Maya had been so helpful and earlier this morning Missy seemed so mean. But she knew she would still have to go with Missy to some high school party cause she agreed.

What was her old life about? She kept asking herself every single time.

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