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"Riley, I'm your best friend" Maya casually says.

"don't know who any of you are" said Riley as she cluelessly looked at her parents and Maya.

Maya's hope already felt broken, perhaps it already was. The fact that her best friend didn't remember her was very terrifying. Maya was still sitting on Riley's bed, tears came out of her eyes.

"She's lucky she's alive" the doctor said. "She could have died but yet she didn't" he confirmed.

Maya got out of bed and walked to the doctor who was standing near the door.

"She's going to remember me right?" Maya asked.

"It may come back, but not right away" the doctor said.

"Not right away??? No this can't happen" Maya said feeling the temper rising up.

"This is not natural!!! You have to help her remember me!!!" Maya begin shouting and her mother ran to hold her back.

"Ms Hart, she's in a coma, the accident occurred and it injured her head" the doctor said.

"Riley's head was resting on the side of the door, and as the vehicle approached, it smashed into where Riley's head was, you saw what happened didn't you Ms. Hart?"

"I just saw it for a second and ev, everything went pitch black" Maya cried her tears out and her mother comforted her.

"should I be worried much???" asked Riley who still laid there in the bed.

"everything will be fine Riley, make another appointment 4 weeks from now to do your checkup, and you'll be just fine" assured the doctor.

"Don't worry Riley, you'll be coming home with us and you'll get to see Auggie" Topanga said rubbing Riley's hair.

"Who's Auggie" Riley asked blankly.

"Your little brother" Cory said.

"You may be out of this hospital soon, but in the meantime, get some rest" the doctor said and he headed out.

"It's going to get easier" Cory said.

Maya left the hospital the next day, but as the next few days came she went down to the hospital to see Riley.

Maya roamed the hallways to find Riley's room and tried to convince her that she was Riley's best friend. 2 days later, Riley was released from the hospital and was heading back home.

Riley came into her bedroom with amazement thinking she's seen it for the first time and sat down at the bay window.

"This is the place where you and I just talk about things, like life" Maya said.

"What, why??" Riley asked.

"Well, it's our safe place and it's the only place where we work it out" Maya said.

Riley look around and was startled by the presence of someone popping out from the window, where came Farkle and Lucas.

"Hey" they both greeted.

"Hey" Maya replied.

As for Riley, she was so confused by the strangers that had just suddenly came bursting into her room and sitting down next to her.

"Who are you guys?" She asked curiously yet puzzled.

"I'm Farkle, you're friend, and this is Lucas, you're- Maya cuts Farkle's conversation

She's in a coma remember guys" Maya said.

"How are you feeling Riley?" Lucas asked.

Riley's face was all pale, she was blinking her eyes as tears fell.

"Right now, I'm feeling kind of scared" Riley said as she felt the shiver, not knowing who they really were.

The three of them looked at Riley and felt an utter sadness, they hate the fact that Riley was in a coma and probably won't remember them.

"Guys leave us alone for a while" Maya said. They both left the room and jumped out the window.

"They're our friends, Riley, just try to remember-" Maya was cut off.

"I can't remember anything ok!!! Im trying but I just can't!!! I just need time alone to think"
Riley cried out in a shaking voice.

"It's going to get easier" Maya said

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hey Guys, please follow me and comment below for any recommendations.

Remember Me... {GMW Fanfic} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now