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"What is it Lucas?"

"I'm going to be far away from her... away from you......  away from everyone..... I'm leaving New York"


Maya stared at Lucas for an unbelievably long time, ignoring the fact what he told her was true.

"Lucas.... What?"

"I'm moving" he says, which kept repeating inside Maya's head.

"Is that why the boxes are here?!? You've already started packing?" Maya said.

"Uhh when.. Do you leave then?" She asked him.

"The end of this month" Lucas replied.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Maya said rolling her eyes in disbelief, placing her hand on her forehead.

"With all the.... Things going on, I couldn't" Lucas said standing up.

Maya looked up at him and so she stood up as well, now facing each other eye to eye.

"Please don't tell Riley" he said.

"Well, why not??" Maya asked with a strict face and repulsing attitude.

"I want it to be at the proper moment" he says. Scratching the back of his head.

"This is so unfair, you've got to tell her Lucas!!!!" Maya yelled, again, hoping nobody would hear her.

"No, I'll tell her when it's time" he said.

Maya stood there with a horror struck face, widening her eyes and nodding her heads sideways.

"You're such a coward" she spoke up.

He stared at her as she walked up to the fire escape and then left without saying another word.



Hours later...

Maya's POV.

He's such a coward!!!!! A jerk!!!!! Why was I so angry at him?!?!?! Riley's going to be so devastated once she finds out or figures it out. Oh god, I just can't believe him, why would he want to hurt her like that. Argghghghhhhhh I want to strangle him.

Without noticing, I had already arrived at the Matthews front door, i stood there waiting and thinking so heavily about the things that evolve around me. Everything's so complicated, I wonder how we survive.

I knocked.

Three times.

Riley had answered it.

"Maya?" She said looking sleepy.

"Yeah" I replied, pushing the door lightly from inside so I could come in.

"Maya, it's 11:06, is everything okay?" Riley asked and yawned.

"Oh no, everything's fine, it's just... I couldn't sleep" I said sitting down on the couch.

"I'll make cocoa" Riley said.

Minutes later, Riley came back with two cups of hot chocolate, she laid the coasters aside on the table and put her cup down once she took a sip.

"What's up??" She asked. Not looking so sleepy anymore. Instead widening her big brown  eyes.

"I don't know, just couldn't sleep" I quietly said. And looked around.

"Have you heard anything from Lucas?" I asked trying not to make it so obvious cause I've been dying to blurt that out.

"Hmm not today, why?" She said. And again took a sip from her cup.

"When was the last time you've seen or talked to him?" I asked eagerly.

"He texted me today at dinner, Farkle texted me a few hours ago after Lucas and why are you so interested in that topic?" Riley said, her eyes staring into mine. I could have sworn she just rolled her eyes.

"Nothing, I just saw him today, that's all" I mumbled.

"Oh where?" Riley asked, now reading a magazine she picked up from the table.

"The supermarket downtown, quite embarrassing really, he was with his mum" I said, trying to cough up a laugh.

"Why would that be embarrassing, it's his mum" Riley said still staring down at the magazine headline.

"Uhhh.... Nothing.... But hey you texted him today, why didn't you invite him to come over and watch a movie with us?" I said changing the subject.

"Cause you said you wanted to stay here all day and stated it to be a you and me day, remember?" She said.

"Oh, erm, right"

Riley's POV.

There's something going on, something she's not telling me, should I come right through and say what's up with her or keep quiet like a mouse. Hmm what would Riley do in a situation like this? Oh wait, I am Riley. Of course I am, at last. Got to keep my faith up.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I said instantly looking up from the magazine and gazed into her bright round blue eyes.

"There's nothing in mind" she replied and took a sip of her cocoa.

Okay, so I just got my memory back, this is no way to repay a friend by keeping things from her, I know Maya's up to something or knows something I don't. Should I try to figure it out? Or wait and see??

Oh my goodness.

She likes him, I think.


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