Its Okay

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"Riley? Come on let's go, we're going to be late" Topanga called Riley.

Riley was getting ready for a trip to the doctor's appointment to see if she was physically okay, she grabbed her bag and put on her converse shoes and went to the door.

She was about to pull it close when she looked at the bay window, she wondered where Maya was, cause every single day Maya would come, Riley would avoid it. But today, Maya wasn't here.

Riley couldn't care less, she shut the door closed.

Moments later at the doctor's appointment*

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Matthews, and Riley. I'm Doctor Coleman, I'm here to check what's going on at the moment"

Riley and Topanga sat on the couch in dr Coleman's room while Cory waited outside.

"Ok Riley, I'm going to shine a light in your eyes with this flashlight" she held a small flashlight and flashed it into Riley's eyes.

"Have you been having headaches? Or a sore body?" She asked.

"No" Riley replied.

"How's your day been going? Is your memory getting better?" Dr Coleman asked.

"I remember my parents, I just don't remember everyone else much"

"Why is that Riley?" Dr Coleman asked.

"I don't know, it's just like that I guess"

"Riley, I've had clients like you and they weren't afraid to go back to the past, so why are you afraid?"

"It's not like I don't want to remember, I really do wanna know" Riley said.

"You have to search the past and connect it with the present, or else you won't have an answer"

Riley didn't answer, she was silent for a while.

"Look Riley, I really want to help, so I do suggest you try" dr Coleman said.

"What if I don't like the past?" Riley questioned.

"There are support groups, you guys can help each other out"

Riley and Topanga looked at each other, and they both agreed.

"Thank you for coming, I hope you find the right path" dr Coleman said and went out the room.

Moments later..

Riley and Topanga walked out with each other  and joined Cory.

"Riley there's someone here to see you" Cory said.

Out of the corner, Maya showed up,
"Hi Riles" she greeted
"Sorry, I just can't" Riley said without looking at Maya as she ran away.

Riley headed out the door,

She got into the car and they drove out of the parking lot.

Riley rolled down the window and felt the cool air passing through. She breathes it in.

Then all of the sudden, someone ran into their car and fell to the ground hard.

Cory honked the car, Topanga cursed and Riley was shocked.

Riley opened he door and ran to the front to see who was there. It was Maya.

"Maya!!! What the heck are you doing??!!!" Riley yelled.

Topanga and Cory came out, "Maya what on earth is wrong with you!!!" Cory shouted.

"Look, Riley you have to be my friend again" Maya said.

"Maya let it go" Riley said

"No I won't, I'm not gonna let go Riley, I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it. You and I do everything together and we always will " Maya told her.

Riley looked beyond, she was thinking about it.

"It's okay, say you'll be my friend again and if not, I'm gonna walk away" Maya said.



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