Final Thoughts

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Maya walked into Topanga's Bakery, now a full grown adult but still with the same curly blonde hair appearance. But this time, with a kid by her side, also known as her daughter.

"Mom, I wanted pizza" said the little girl, who seemed about 12 years of age, having long blonde hair, having the same bright blue eyes, like her mother. Wearing what seemed to be a white t-shirt with the writing, "hope" on it. She wore black leather jacket, skinny jeans and black boots which her mom probably layed out for her.

"I know Jane, I just wanted to take a look around here, wow somethings has changed" Maya said wandering around.

Nothing much has changed thought Maya, but a few things like the chairs and tables were moved and placed here instead of where it used to be. New baking goods seemed to have also appeared in a new type sorta way with free samples of cookies and muffins. Okay so basically everything's changed.

But something seemed familiar that stood out from the corner of Maya's eyes, she blinked her eyes and saw what or who she last saw 18 years ago, a young girl with brunette hair.


No, this kid was young who looked like Riley a lot who she last saw, like she occurred 18 years ago. God was it that long???

This girl was wearing black stockings with black boots, she had a black romper and wore a flower pattern jacket as the finishing touch. She was sitting down on the chair reading a book. Oh my, Riley?

Snap out of it.

Maya quickly approached the girl, trying to find words to say.

"Um hi, ummm....... Excuse me" Maya said shakingly. Tapping the little girl on the shoulder.

The girl looked up from her book and had a polite smile on her face.

"Yes?" She replied quietly but so friendly.

"Is just that, ummm.., you.... Uhhhhh... Have I seen you somewhere before?" Maya asked. Twiddling her thumbs.

The girl bit her bottom lip. "No, I don't think so"

Maya sensed that she was feeling uneasy.

"Oh.... Um, this is my daughter Jane... Jane Hart" Maya said and gestured her daughter to come forward.

Jane step forward and put her hands out for the young brunette to greet her.

"I'm Reagan, Reagan Matthews...... Nice to meet you" Reagan said putting her hand out for Jane to shake.

Huh.... Matthews

"You're Riley's daughter aren't you?" Maya said with a smile on her face, thinking of that name.

"Oh yes I am, how did you know?" Reagan asked.

Tears dropped from Maya's eyes, though happy tears.

"It's funny..."

"Your mum and I were best-    Good friends....... You look so much like your mother"

Reagan smiled and blushed.

"Reagan!! Can you come help me for a second" came a voice from the entrance of the kitchen area behind the cashier.

Maya saw another Riley, she had brown hair but the eyes were different though, they were blue.

Reagan quickly got up from chair and ran towards the teenage Riley with blue eyes.

"It's your turn to make the brownies, and remember don't burn them this time" said the girl.

Reagan gave out a small laugh " I won't"

Maya also let out a small laugh. She walked towards the teenager.

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