The Conflict

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Riley's POV.

I saw Maya from the corner of my eye as I immediately entered the room, she stood up and greeted Farkle and I.
Maya was possibly looking as innocent as ever from my point of view, like she had done nothing wrong. But she did do something wrong. The obvious solution would be to reason it out with her, I thought, NO.

"What are you doing here?" I asked straightaway after she had said hi.

She looked at me like I was the one who was confused. She shrugged her shoulders.

"To see him" Maya replied, making a dull expression on her face.

"Now you've come?" I exclaimed.

"Look Riles, I-" Maya was stopped over my Farkle.

"No Maya, Riley's right, why did you leave?" He asked.

She stared at us both with a "are you seriously going to ask me that" look on her face.

"I panicked, I didn't know what to do, so of course i ran, look I don't have time for this. Stop being over dramatic" Maya said pushing me and Farkle aside to stand by the exit of the waiting room.

"Fine, go see him then" I said, pointing at the door. "Turn left, go straight and turn another left, second door on the right" I finished.

I then heard her mumbled 'thanks'

Maya's POV.

"Thanks" I said quietly across Riley. Thinking she couldn't hear me, I crept over to the exit and follow her directions in which to get to Lucas's room.

I finally reached a door where there was paper attached to the side of the door pointing out words which read,

Patient room: Lucas Friar

I quietly knocked on the plain white door, nobody answered. I peeped it opened just to get a glimpse of Lucas and there he was lying in bed. I slowly walk in and took a seat in one of the chairs that were randomly placed there by the corner.

I sat and clutched my hands together, placing them on my knee and sighed loudly.

What's wrong with me. I repeatedly stated.

"So you came" said a voice.

I jumped to the sound only to realize it was Lucas.

"You startled me" I said, standing up.

He started to sit up and leaned against the headboard.

"How are you?" He asked me.

"Don't worry about me, are you alright? Are you hurt a lot?" I asked, walking over to him,

"I'm fine Maya, really" he said having the effort to smile at me. I looked at the bandages and cast that were placed all over his body.

"I'm so sorry for doing this to you Lucas, I was just over reacting and I just felt so angry" I said.

"Don't blame yourself Maya, it's not your fault, I ran after you and the car came out of nowhere" Lucas said.

"No, that's the thing, this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't stormed out of Topangas. You wouldn't have came after me and got knocked over and-"

"Maya, this isn't about you, I made my choice"

I sighed deeply again, and just stood there.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be" he replied.

He let out both his arms to hug me. And so I did.

"You know for a moment, I thought you were gonna have brain damage or something like that. I wouldn't want something like that to repeat to another friend" I gave a small laugh.

"The injury was nothing serious and plus, I still remember you right?"


Silence had swarmed into the room like an instant. I plainly stood there, my hands laying still on the top of the bed staring at the wall as if my emotions were all gone. I felt nothing at this point and a feeling, yes, a feeling of some sort that hit me like a ton of bricks. The feeling of me wanting to get this off my chest.

"You know, i really like you Lucas, and I know that you can never like me in that sort of way but you can love me like..... you love a friend" I said

"I know how much you like Riley and how much she likes you, you both love each other deeply and I never want to ruin that"

"What are you saying Maya" Lucas asked.

"I'm saying... I'm asking.... you to love me, and Farkle of course. Love us like you would.... be dependent on us for anything in the world"


"I think I probably mentioned this before, I'm always gonna love you the same way that I always have" Lucas said.

"Thank you" I said, giving him another big hug.


I entered the waiting room to find Riley sitting all alone. Where's Farkle? I wondered.

"Farkle's gone home" Riley said. I looked at her. She just literally read my mind,

"And Mr and Mrs Friar are in the other waiting room" she finished off.

I didn't even know they were here, the parents, although I didn't quite remember what their faces looked liked, it didn't matter.

Riley still looked sort of angry and crossed with me.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

She didn't reply,

"Can you just answer me?" I declared.

"So what's been happening? Can you at least tell me that?" she asked.

"What?" I said,

"like uh what part are you talking about?" I made an awkward laugh but she was looking dead serious.

"You like Lucas" she stated and stood up, folding her arms like she would do as if I'm the guilty one.

I backed away a little and rolled my eyes. Putting both of my hands into my jean pockets.

"Yeah, so what"

"Can we talk about that?"

"No, I don't want to talk about that, cause I already did with him"

"Well, why didn't you tell me????" Riley exclaimed.

"This isn't something that should be told Riley, especially you!!!!!"

"If you like him then it's definitely something that we should talk about"

"It wouldn't change a single thing!!!!!! Lucas likes you Riley, he doesn't like me in that way, and I'm fine with that, I'm okay. I know he loves me and he loves you, can we leave it at that!!!"

I felt something wet below my eyes, oh no, the water works again. I'm just so emotional these days.

"Oh Maya, I'm so sorry, here" she walked over to me. I took a step back again, to make her sense that I wasn't in the mood for a hug but really, I badly needed one.

We stood face to face.

"Maya, I'm sorry, if I upset you so much, sorry for forcing you to say that aloud, sorry, oh Maya"

I took a bolt and ran for it, to the exit.

The Last I heard of, was Riley's voice calling out my name.

I'm doing it again, what is the matter with me?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A/N please vote and stay tuned for the next chapter!!

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