The Truth

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The next occurring day was as beautiful as ever, at least for Riley who was singing a lullaby in her bedroom, making the bed. The bright sun was up shining outside, the window had suddenly been opened by Maya who just walked into the room.

As she opened it wide enough to let the sunlight beam in and flood the room, she heard the usual traffic routine where cars were honking downtown and people were shouting for other people to buy their stuff in their shops. Besides from that, she heard the birds chirping outside the fire escape where Riley had put out pots of flowers, and a tiny bird house was placed for them to come by.

"Hey Riles, look at my nails, this dark ocean-like color are perfect for my nails" Maya said twiddling her thumbs and laying it out for Riley to see.

Riley took a look and her eyes where full of amazement.

"Ooooooooh, I love this color on you" Riley said holding up Maya's hand and picking on every finger that was painted with blue nail polish.

"Haha, I know" Maya said, and they both laughed.

Topanga had then popped up by their door, holding onto her phone without saying a word. It took her a minute to finally notice everything was back into place.

"Oh, um girls.... I'm going to Topangas, wanna come" suddenly looking up from her phone smiling.

"Topangas? What's that?" Maya asked puzzled, frowning her eyebrows.

"The bakery.... Svorskis Bakery" Topanga replied confused to what Maya just asked.

"It's called Topangas? Since when??" Maya said in confused look.

"Pretty much since i became the owner" Topanga stated, her phone buzzed, she looked at her phone and mouthed something as a response to the text.

"Oh right, with all that's going on, I forgot it was actually called Topangas now" Maya said giggling by herself. Riley had kept quiet all this time, still having difficultly where her stuffed animals should be laid in bed.

"Actually, Riley and I planned on staying here" Maya said slumping herself onto Riley's bed.

"Hey, I've got to make the bed again" Riley said having a sad puppy dog face, looking as innocent as ever.

"Girls!!! It's the middle of April, come on, You guys should be outside, the day is beautiful and yet you chose to stay here in the dark. Riley come on, you should be out more" Topanga demanded, getting a hold of the jacket from the racket and throwing it to Riley.

Huh, was it already April? Maya thought, time does follow you around, it also keeps up with what you're doing and it eventually goes further ahead without you even noticing. So we had already passed the day of the accident, we passed December with the absence of a Christmas tree, and proceeded to pass the beginning of spring between February and March. Now we've reached April.

"Girls!! Let's go! Now!!" Topanga yelled from the living room.

Both of them sighed, grabbed their jackets, both heading out and closing the bedroom door behind them.

...... ...........

The three young women approached the subway scene raising their heads high and pointing their nose upwards. Well only Topanga seemed to be doing that while the girls followed her like a puppy onto the platform, and waited for the train.

Riley's mother appeared to be complaining on and on about the difficulties with people at work who weren't initially doing things right. She was especially compromising about her phone being damaged.

Finally, the train had arrived on the scene and they all got on board, and moments later had arrived uptown. Riley could have sworn she saw a wise looking lady dressed in a purple dress robe smiling at her, lighting up a cigar.

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