The Other Accident

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Lucas had ran after Maya down the the street while Riley was still trying to get through the crowd but caught a glimpse of them, what had happened was, Maya had yelled at Lucas for god knows what, and Lucas later got hit by a yellow cab. Riley couldn't believe it.

It knocked him 5 feet away from the cab.

He wasn't moving.

He had passed out, Riley assumed.

"Lucas!!!" Riley yelled, shoving people, running so fast to Lucas and knelt down beside him.

Riley looked over at Maya, she was shocked, her face paralyzed with fear, unable to say anything.

"Maya help me...." Riley said, her hands trembling, holding Lucas upright. "Help....... Me!!!" Riley shouted again.


"Oh my god, Lucas, you're okay" Riley said, panting. She felt the world spinning slower and slower now, everything was out of focus, tears were dripping down her face onto Lucas's face.

"Maya help...." Riley said looking at her.

She just stood there, without saying a single word. Her face still looking worried, confused and shocked.

"Maya, don't just stand there, help me!!!!!" Riley shouted.

But Instead, Maya fled the scene, running in the other direction away from the crowd who had gathered around Riley and Lucas.

People kept asking questions, talking about stuff that didn't even make sense to her, "could someone please just call the ambulance" Riley yelled.

"Farkle!" Riley called out for him as she saw him running towards her.

"What?.... What happened?.... Where.. Where's Maya?" Farkle said, his voice shook a little.

" I don't know" Riley said still crying her eyes out as the tears washed up her face.

Eventually in what felt like hours and hours being stared at, the ambulance took them away from all that.




At the Hospital

Riley and Farkle sat in the chairs that were put in the waiting room. It felt like forever to wait this long. Farkle held out his hand for Riley to hold. She took it and closed her eyes although didn't sleep.

"Kids" someone called out, Riley flashed her eyes open to see Mrs. Friar holding onto two packs of sandwiches.

"Sorry, I don't know what you like, this is turkey and this is ham" she pointed out for the both of them.

"Turkey" Riley quietly said, politely taking the sandwich from her hands while Farkle took it as well.

Mrs.Friar took a seat by Riley, clutching her hands together. Where was Mr.Friar? Riley thought.

"Typical really, my husband is not here, again" Mrs Friar said, looking down at her hands.

"What? He's not here when Lucas is in this condition? This has happened before?" Riley said, suddenly straighten up with a sudden shock in her eyes. How can just somebody not be there, when the other is hurt or lost or confused. That's right, Maya. But Maya was there for her when she lost her memories.

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