At last

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Riley's POV.

I knew truly in my heart who i was. It took so long for me to realize but this is it, I'm Riley at last. I'm the goofy girl who had a rebellious best friend who was always by my side and a boy with blonde yellow hair whose name was just always perfect. And who could forget that wonderful boy with brunette hair as well as intelligent eyes who would always speak wisely.

And my parents, Cory and Topanga who were the best parents and people anyone who could ever have for, and who I love both dearly. And Auggie, the little brother with the same smile on his face everyone time he saw me, I cherish this.

"Hi everyone, hi Maya.... I'm sorry I had you all worried" I sincerely apologized.

"And Maya, especially you, I am so-

Without hesitation, Maya had pulled me in for a warming hug. I love her so much.

"Riley, just don't apologize" she said as she broke down crying. "You're here now"

And like that, everyone came in for a hug, all was well.


....... Days later (AT the Bay window)

I was sitting on the edge of my bed when I noticed something bright yellow at the right side of my eye, Maya's blonde hair swished through the window and there popped up her face.

"Hey" Maya greeted me with a bag which I assume there was food in it.

"Hey.. What's that you got?" I asked still keeping an eye on the bag.

"Oh, yeah, my mum gave me a bag of croissants from Svorskis, you like?" She said tossing the bag to me in which I caught.

I opened the bag which smelled of newly baked bread coming out of the oven, my stomach had then started to grumble.

"Can I have one" I asked and looked at Maya as she took off her black stylish boots.

"Of course, got them for you duh" she said.

I got the croissant out of the bag and stuffed the whole thing into my mouth, god It tasted sooo gooooodddd.

"Hey greedy, give me one" she said, lightly slapping my leg and sat down on the carpeted floor.

"Mfff, oh, erm sorry" I said and got her one and we both enjoyed it.

"So, um wanna go the Svorskis later?" I asked her.

"Oh, well umm I thought we could spend the day here, you know just a you and me kind of day" Maya said as she slowly finished eating the croissant.

Which reminds me, I'm still hungry so I grabbed another one from the bag and took a huge chunk.

"Oh sure, I rented two movies yesterday, we could watch those!!!" I said.

I stood up and walked to the draw, I could sensed that Maya was keeping an eye on me to see what I was going to get, as I opened the draw, Maya sighed.
I turned around.

"What's the matter?" I asked worriedly.

"Oh what? No no, I'm just really tired" she quietly replied.

"Oh" I said as I walked up to her with two DVDs in my hand.

"Why, what happened?"

"Nothing Riles, I just slept so late last night"

"Why?" I stated

Maya's POV.

Shoot, she was onto me.

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