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"Where were you when you lost yourself? I mean where were you when you didn't know who you were?" Riley asked the man on the couch who was reading a newspaper.

"I joined a cult" the man said who turned to Riley and looked at her in the eyes.

"I wasn't very proud of my teenage self at that time, so I lost myself and joined a cult. I started looking for who I was but ended up failing" he continued.

"Then how did you find yourself afterwards?" Riley asked.

"The people who were there for me helped me realized it" he said.

It was silent for a while....

"Shawn, am I doing the right thing?? Running away like this, trying to figure out who I am" Riley told him.

"Sometimes I just feel so angry not knowing myself and would feel more angrier, wanting to destroy anything that comes in between. Tell me, am I a bad person?" Riley questioned Shawn.

"Of course you're not Riley" Shawn came over and hugged her. "You're just lost, but that's going to be fine"

Riley started to cry, she wiped her tears off a minute later. "I think you can take me back now" she said.

"Okay, you've been gone for 4 weeks now, it's time for you go home" Shawn said.

Maya's POV.
How could I let this happen? What kind of friend am I? First, I lost her and now I've lost her again. What's happening to me? Doesn't the universe see the mess I'm in? Can't it find a way to fix it? No, perhaps only I can somehow fix this.

Oh no, I'm starting to tear up again, I'm trembling, I dont know what to do.

Cory and Topanga then came up to me followed by Auggie, where they laid beside me and held me tight.

"It's not your fault Maya" said Auggie who I heard was also crying a bit.

"Life isn't fair Maya, what happens, happens. But it finds a way of coming back somehow" Cory said.

"I know... But I made a promise-

I broke down again, tears all over my face and I bet everyone could hear be whimpering like a puppy. I just don't understand, how could something like this happen to people like us?


"Thanks for coming guys, means a lot to me" Maya said making her way to the bay window as Farkle and Lucas followed.

Maya sat down, Lucas sat beside her while Farkle sat on Riley's bed. They were silent for a while.

"You okay?" Lucas asked Maya, who looked his way.

"No" she said truthfully and honestly.

"How long has it been?" Farkle asked.

"About 4-5 weeks now, but it feels so much longer than that" Maya sighed.

"Why did you call off the investigation?" Lucas asked.

"Mr and Mrs Matthews believe that when Riley says she's fine... She's fine" Maya said as she leaned her head on Lucas's shoulder and shut her eyes.

Everything seemed to lower down its volume, the room was silent and no one was speaking.

Farkle then started to signal his eyes to Lucas, for him to tell her something. Lucas nodded. Farkle immediately got up and slowly walked out and shut the door behind him.

"Maya, you know she loves you right?" Lucas says.

Maya opened her eyes, and lifted her head. "I'm not so sure about that now" she said.

"Well, she does" he said.

Maya's POV
Then I realized our eyes had met, his blue eyes meeting my blue eyes. He has never been this close to me before, nobody was in the room to be amazed, shocked or judgmental, it was just me and him alone.

He was about to say something, but I quickly kissed him before he could do that. My hands had reached up to his neck and he had grabbed on to my waist and later moved his hands to hold on to my face. Our lips were partly meeting each others and we just kept making out for a while.

Moments later, I pushed away from him. "Should we even be doing this?"

But he pulled in and kissed me more, and of course I didn't stop him. Things started to get weird but I liked it.

Still, I kept wandering, what was he going to say? What is he thinking about inside his head?

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Remember Me... {GMW Fanfic} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now