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Riley's POV.

I've been calling her for a while now, and been leaving plenty of voicemails for her to hear. I know damn well that she's been receiving them, she just doesn't have the time to respond I guess, she's practically ghosting me. I'm done. I'll leave her alone.

Today was May 31st, Graduation day for me and the others as well. Finally setting out to see the world. I wonder if Maya would show up, she is graduating isn't she? Of course she is, she has all the credit.

"Riley come on, I want good seats to take a picture of you when we get there" Mom called out for me.

I put on my red gown and and headed out, following Auggie, Mom and Dad.

At the High School.

I arrived the scene to find the school completely crowded with parents, teachers and students who were about to graduate in any minute now.

"Everybody backstage in 3 minutes!!" Shouted Mrs. Lancaster who was our principal.

I placed my hat on top of my head and walked in backstage where I ran into Farkle and Smackle.

"Oh hey guys" I said, giving them both a hug.

"Hey Riley, guess where I got into" said Smackle, jumping up and down like a little kid, waiting for me to answer.

"Yale?" I guessed.

"Nope, I got into MIT!!!!!!" Smackle shouted.

"Wow, that's amazing Smackle, Massachussets Institute of technology is a really great school"

"I know, there were three other options but I chose this one"

"That's great, congratulations Smackle"

"Thanks, it's like the best thing ever"

"Hey, does anyone remember me getting into Yale?????" Farkle blurted out.

"It's me time now Farkle" Smackle said, glaring at him as he fell silent.

"Just kidding my beloved, Yale's okay too I guess"

We all laughed out loud.

"Students take your seat and remember your places, when I call your name and blah blah, you know the drill" shouted Mrs Lancaster.

We all settled into our seats that were lined up backstage, the only seat that was not occupied was Maya's.

"Okay" Mrs Lancaster said, walking from the stage, holding onto a piece of paper and a pen, mumbling to herself.

"Okay, so we got Yogi, Darby, Sarah, there you are, Riley, Farkle, Charlie" as she kept on mumbling.


"Maya" she looked up from her paper.

"Where's Maya, has anyone seen Maya????"

Everyone was quiet, apparently no one has seen her.

"Riley, where's Maya????" Mrs Lancaster said, having a panicking look on her face.

"I don't know...." I replied quietly.

"What!!!!! Okay okay, calm down everyone"

"Im here!!! I'm here!!!!" A voice came from the door entering backstage,

"Yes Maya, dear, what's happened to you. Put on your hat and unwrinkle your gown this instant and sit" Mrs Lancaster said seriously, as she went out stage.

Maya sat down next to the empty seat which was next to mine, I had no intentions of talking to her.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to this year's graduates of John Quincy Adams High, please let them forward" said a voice.

Remember Me... {GMW Fanfic} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now