Welcome To The Party

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After School, Riley and Missy headed off to a high school party that Missy had invited Riley to. Maya came out of her classroom and went to Riley's class.
She came in, and Riley was nowhere to be found.

Maybe she's by her locker?

Maya ran to Riley's locker and yet, nobody. She had told Riley she would be with her all afternoon, where had she gone?

Maya looked around the halls and called out Riley's name, she asked the students who were passing down the Halls
"Has any of you seen Riley?" Maya asked. And they all replied with a 'NO'

"Riley!!!" She yelled out, and checked each class Riley has had, she went into the history room where Cory Matthews was teaching and still, Riley was not there.

"Mr. Matthews, have you seen Riley?" Maya asked. She walked in and sat down on her desk after all that running around.

"She's probably with Lucas and Farkle" Cory said in a calm gentle voice as he chalked something on the board.

Then Lucas and Farkle came running in.

"Hey Maya, where's Riley?" Lucas asked.

"We can't find her, looked everywhere" Farkle said.

Mr. Matthews chalk went screeching across the the board, he turned around and looked anxious.

"You hooligans lost my daughter!!???" Cory shouted.

"Look, I don't know Matthews, I looked around the hallways and each classroom.... I can't find her" Maya told them as she was walking back and forth around the tables agonizing.

"okay let's just calm down, il sure she's here in the school.... somewhere" said Cory.

"I've seen her" someone said, all eyes aimed at the door. it turned out to be Yogi who was standing there for a while.

"Yogi!! Where???" Maya eagerly said wanting to know so bad.

"She went to a Senior Party" Yogi replied.

"Ohhh.. The Senior Party, everybody's talking bout it, it's just downtown" Farkle said.

"I don't see why that's bad" Lucas says.

"She went with Missy" Yogi suddenly says. Everybody went silent and Yogi took a step out of the room.

"And that's the bad part" Lucas continued

"That Missy!!!!!" Maya stammered. "Can't she find anything else to do!!!!!"

"Wait!!! I've got something to say!!!" Farkle yelled for everyone to turn his way.

"What is it???" Maya said impatiently.

"Why weren't we invited to the party? We're technically seniors" he stated.

Maya gave him a 'are you kidding me' look but brushed it off.

"Argh, Come on guys, let's go" and Maya led the way as Lucas, Farkle and Cory followed.

Meanwhile at the Party every body who were all mostly seniors went wild and crazy. Missy walked around the house and introduced Riley to other high school students.

"This house is cool..." Riley said.

"Yea, Jessica Johnson's Parents are always out of town and she always throws a party on " Missy says.

Then the two of them walked into a room which stood a bar room where all the drinks and beverages were. Missy went over there and came back with a drink that seemed to be like strawberry juice with a small umbrella on the top of the cone shaped glass.

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