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Today was the day, where Riley Matthews disappeared out of the blue. Maya had entered Riley's bedroom to find that Riley had mysteriously vanished. She ran out into the corridor and came across Cory and Topanga in the living room.

"Guys, where's Riley?" Maya questioned.

"In her room.. Why?" Cory said. He put down his cereal bowl on the table.

"No, she isn't" Maya said. She began to pant and pace around the kitchen corner.

"Maya, calm down, what are you talking about?" Topanga asked her.

Maya looked up, her face was red and she was covered in her own tears. "Riley's........ Gone"

Cory and Topanga quickly ran into the bedroom, called out Riley's name but there was no sight of her. They looked around the whole apartment and went next door but she was nowhere to be found.

Few hours later, the cops had shown up and the detectives were brought in here to question everyone who had last seen Riley.

"So, when was the last time you saw her?" The detective(Gerald) asked.

"We last saw her... Ummm last night at 10 pm to be exact. Cory and I both said goodnight to her and she headed into her room" Topanga explained.

"I last saw her when she was getting into bed as I was leaving the Matthews apartment" Maya said.

"Was Anyone else with her yesterday?" Gerald asked.

"Well, Farkle and Lucas were with us in her room but of course she went missing after that" Maya said.

"And you're sure no one broke into the house?" Gerald questioned.

"Look if someone were to break in and take Riley, she would have screamed" Cory said

"But still, the murderer could have covered her mouth with something to prevent her from screaming out loud" Gerald said.

"So, you're meaning to tell me that our Riley was kidnapped??" Topanga asked.

"Yes, that may be the theory" Gerald said.

Topanga burst out crying and called out Riley's name over and over again while Cory was trying to comfort her.
"My darling Riley!!"

Auggie came out of his room running towards Topanga to hug her.

"Gerald, there's a note under the pillow which is from... Riley" the other detective(Thomas) said.

Dear, whoever is reading this

I'm Riley Matthews or at least I think i am. I have run away from home to avoid the things that stop me from trying to remember the things that I once had known. I know you all love me dearly and is heartbroken by me running away and leaving this note for you to read, but the occasion is I'm still trying to figure out who exactly I am by doing that somewhere else, it's not your fault, it is mine, I realize that the thing is you can't fix me but only I can fix me. I'm really doing fine and all, so don't come find me and just carry on with your lives, I'll come back someday once I truly know myself.

Sincerely, Riley.

"So now we know" Thomas said.

"We have to go look for her immediately, I'll call my agency Topanga, your daughter is going to be fine." Gerald said.

"Hold on, she said not to come look for her, she's doing fine" Cory said.

"Mr Matthews, are you really going to leave your own daughter out there alone in the big city??!! Are you crazy??" Gerald exclaimed.

"Look, Cory has a point, she's still trying to figure out who she is and she's probably safe with someone right now, she said that herself" Topanga pointed out.

"Do you honestly believe her words??!! What kind of parents are you?!?! She's not safe and she's not fine!!" Gerald cried. His face started getting red, he was breathing so heavily that he looked like he could explode any minute now.

"Oh he's right Cory, we can leave our daughter stranded out there alone" Topanga said biting her nails.

The next moment, Cory's phone buzzed on the table. He glanced over and frowned.

" something tells me, she'll be just okay" replied Cory.

Minutes later, Gerald had started to calm down, and wiped the sweats on his forehead.

"She's missing, we need to find her" he said.

"She's not missing... She's gone" Maya spoked up and everybody looked at her. "There's a difference"
(Noticed that I used the line from the movie "Papertowns" which I love so much)

"Let her do what she wants"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Greetings to my fellow readers, hope you liked this chapter and please vote On it and follow me. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do on writing it.

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