Chapter five - Life Complicated

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Hi all....................

A big sorry for keep you all waiting. A lot of things come in between me and my writing. Last year was game changer one for me. Since my daughter is keeping me busy all time, I couldn't concentrate in writing. My updates will be random. I will update whenever I get time. I promise I won't keep you all waiting.

Thanks for the reads votes and comments. Which is an added responsibility for me to write well.

"Why? You are refusing Cathy just because we poor" Clarisse argued as she was in full anger mood. He wondered why his refusal is affecting so badly to his mother in law.

"No, Clarisse, I refused not because you are poor. I want Cathy to have her choice. Not forced to tie up with a man who doubles her age and kid."

"Nobody is forcing her. Catharine is happy to be your wife and to become mother of Amy. She agreed for this match." Claire countered strongly. Clarisse tried again to convince him.

"Are you insane Clarisse? Eight years ago you forced one daughter to sacrifice for the happiness of other and now you are forcing the third one to do the same. Cathy and Bianca are of same age. She is like little sister to me. If you are worried about her dowry. I will pay it. Benedict replied angry.

Clarisse was speechless. He never saw Claire this much desperate. Something had happened. Something very bad.

"Ben...." Claire began.

"No more discuss on this matter. Whoever I marry will be good mother to a Amy too. I make sure. I know how to worry about my daughter. And what is good for her. You worry about your
Daughter." With that Benedict walked away angrily leaving Claire behind. For some reason his mother in law did not follow him. She left from there without any other words.

He sat near kitchen table. His head was aching. How can Clarisse even think like that? He and Catharine. No way. The more he thought about it the more his head began to hurt.

"Bea give me a coffee. My head hurts". He said with his heads down.

"I told you not to entertain that woman" His mother said smirking.

She knows. I cursed. His mother never liked Clarisse much.

"You are listening secretly" now he was irrigated.

"Call it whatever you want Ben. The moment that wretched woman came here I know her intentions are not good. Clarisse is desperate to get her younger daughter married. As her dear Cassandra refused to help them Claire had become more desperate to marry Catharine off without fortune. And you were her easy option."

He can understand Cassie's hatred towards him Clarisse.

But Cathy.

Cassie loved her sisters. No matter what. What changed her this much? He wondered again.

Beatrice put coffee in front of him.

As he was about to drink it his vile brother in law walked in. And Bea shivered. Her eyes lost color.


It was visible. Then he heard a crackling voice.

"How are you Benedict?"

His brother in law Andrew Harrison stood there with all glory. He ignored his wife as if she never existed. And Bea ran away taking it an opportunity. She hated and feared that man. He know well that.

Andrew asked with ugly smirk.

"I am fine Andrew, How about you." He asked formerly suppressing his anger for his sister.
"You look more than fine. You look tanned. "

"Enough of flattery Harrison. What you want" Benedict asked directly.

"You are too good brother in law. What I need is money to pay of my debts" Andrew finished his words flatly.

"And why should I pay for you." He asked again.

"Because I am married to your ugly sister. If you want your sister to be happily married forever then gave me money."

"What if I refuse Harrison" Benedict snapped back in same tone.

"I am still a titled man Hart. Woman will marry me just for that whether I had money or not. You sister and her children are no obligation to me. I will discard them and move on. So better ready money if you don't want your sister's life not ruined".

He then walked away distancing himself from Lisbeth who ran towards her father. And Andrew walked away pushing his daughter.

Benedict was trying hard to control his anger. But Beatrice stopped him.

"Let him go Ben. He is not worth it. My life is ruined the moment I married him. He is just sticking around me in anticipation your money brother. Don't pay it. I and my children are not your burden." Tears were rolling from her eyes uncontrollably.

Benedict held close his sister. He felt helpless. It is his fault that ruined Bea.
He approved her marriage to that bastard bending over his mother s greed for titles. If only his mother bowed once before his aunt, Bea would be living a happy life with a man she loved.

"You are never a burden to me Bea. Lisbeth and Amy are equal to me. We will find a way." He consoled his little sister.

"Walk with me Ben like old times".

He knew Beatrice was forced to marry Viscount Andrew Harrison a man double of her age only for his mother's greed for titled men. Bea's heart was somewhere else. Which can be full filled only if his aunt duchess of Brimwood helped them.

But her mother's ego ruined her and him...

"Where is Bianca? "he asked to start a conversation with his sister.

"Getting ready to catch her pray with the strict instructions of our dear mother.

She sounded sarcastic.

"Bea, she want to get married. So let her weave the net. "

"But not on your cost Ben." Bea sounded angry,

"What do you mean? "Now he was confused.

"Mother had planned to sell you again. "

"And who will buy a cripple like me" he asked back jokingly.

"You underestimate yourself Ben. Rich fathers of damaged daughters will buy a decent handsome cripple like you. And with that she plan to marry off Bianca. "Bea's words made him useful and worthless same time. My greedy mother had done it again.

He always hopped Bianca just don't suffer same faith as Beatrice. And he will make sure of it.

But not on his cost. He was once sold to his mother's greed that cost him loss of his love.

Not again.

"Nothing will happen like last time. " Benedict was damn sure of that. He won't bent this time at any cost and any circumstance.

Next update soon......

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