chapter 19 _ Coffee Storms

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Happy Women's Day...........................

I am glad people like Cassandra strong. Usually when I read a story in wattpad it was about arrogant rude protagonist who had a heart of gold who fell for innocent Belles who is internally strong.

Benedict Hart was conceived from this point.

This chapter is dedicated to @MedievalTomboy Whose Corpse Husband is a wonderful book.

Storms hit hard. So does life. It can have strange twists. Like this one she is having coffee with Beatrice, her former best friend they were once too close to each other. But then....

Cassandra sat on chair sipping her coffee. Beatrice sat opposite of her. Beatrice's face melancholic and her eyes were lifeless as she looked storm with sad eyes. Cassandra knew Beatrice's in mind and storm happening outside is same.

"Are you alright?" Cassandra asked her sister in law even though she knew that question is pointless. Because she knew Beatrice was extremely shaken. Even though Beatrice anger and frustrations are flown out, her fear remains same.

"I will be alright in due time." She replied still watching outside.

"Time will heal everything. " Cassandra said sipping her coffee.

Beatrice looked at her with a sad smile said

"Andrew was jealous. How much he beat me, abuse me, I always took the blow. He knew I still loved other man. For years I avoided getting pregnant with that man's child with the help of medicine. But one day he discovered and raped me brutally till I become pregnant. It was his ego. Andrew Harrison married me for money later I become his ego. I tried to be his wife. But for him I am just a woman will who satisfy his needs and carry his heir"

"He will be back for revenge Cassie. He is like rubber ball who will hit you again and again if pushed. He had connections with criminals who will do anything for him. I will be never free of him. I fear him. He won't spare us. He will find one way or another to take his revenge. Andrew Harrison is a Ville snake"Beatrice voice was shaken. Her eyes showed fear.

"We will manage, Bea. I am with you. You are in Brimhood. And you are not deepened on him, he need money. We will throw enough money in his mouth so that she will leave you. "Cassandra assured her.

Beatrice does not look satisfied. But she did not say anything more. She had enough for a life time. Now no more Andrew Harrison. But scars of his abuse are going to remain with her all life.

"Are you still in love with Lisbeth father". Cassandra asked as she wants to lighten Beatrice mood.
No. He is past now. Once I had a chance. But I don't love a monster like Harrison. But I fear my this child's future. "Beatrice said touching her womb. What if he or she becomes likes their father. It is Andrew's bad blood that runs in their vein." Beatrice said fear fully.

"I agree blood matters. But upbringing is matters more. You child will grow up just like you. It is you who decide your child's future not the blood" Cassandra tried to console Beatrice.

"Like you brought up Benjamin as future duke unlike my brother" Beatrice said without breaking her eye contact.

She knew. Cassandra was frozen.

"I am not blind like my rest of family, Cassie. The moment I first laid eyes on your son I know he is my brother's. I can feel the truth which you want desperately make my dumb brother understand." Beatrice said looking directly at her eyes.

"What are you talking Beatrice. He is a Lockhart. He had Henry's brown eyes and hair." Cassandra tried feigned innocence.

"Cassandra Lockhart, any fool will tell Benjamin is my brother's bastard. But he can pass as Henry's son because both Henry and Benedict shared many common features. People always mistaken Benedict as Henry's real brother not cousin. Am I right Cassandra?"

"Yes, Benedict is Benjamin's biological father. But Benjamin's real father is Henry Lockhart and Benjamin is not Benedict's Hart's son."

"Isn't both same, Beatrice asked perplexed.

"No , Benedict may the reason that I got my Benjamin. But without Henry, Benjamin would have never seen outside world. When I was struggling to survive only Henry Lockhart was there. Not Benedict Hart. He dumped me just like that. I always wonder what lacked in my love that he married Cynthia. Benedict has long way to when he finally earns my forgiveness. What makes you think I will forgive him easily?

Cassandra said in calm yet her cold tone.

For a moment Beatrice hesitated and said.

"I don't know, whether things I am going to tell you matters now or not but I felt you should know it. Just listen to me once."

"If it about your brother, I am not interested," Cassandra replied.

"No, it is about Cynthia......"

Cassandra's ears stood like rabbit. Her sudden interest caused Beatrice to continue her story.

"It is true Benedict proposal to marry you was misunderstood by your step mother. But after a point Benedict was adamant in marrying Cynthia. For some odd reason he left the country soon after wedding. I heard Cynthia begging Ben she wants to leave this wretched place as soon as possible. And I heard Benedict assuring her leaving the country as soon as possible. She was crying on my brother's shoulder."

"Why does Cynthia want to run away" Cassie said emotionless.

I don't know. But I felt she feared something or someone. I felt she was desperate. If my brother chooses her over you then there must be reason" Beatrice said.

Which I refused to listen due to anger. Cassandra regretted her decision to refuse to hear Benedict's explanations.
It created a huge confusion in her mind. Why Cynthia want to leave this place. Was she afraid of her?

Or something else....

What made Cynthia flee from her homeland? Why did she choose Benedict of the all people.
What is the real story of Benedict and Cynthia? Many questions caused rampage in Cassandra's mind.

"I am not asking to forgive my brother. But at least just listen to him to tell his side of story. With that Beatrice walked away leaving a bemused Cassandra behind.


Cassandra always remembered her sister fragile and weak. Cynthia was an introvert. Due to her sickness mother never allowed her to play outside. Their house was her sanctuary. She was an innocent soul who evoked sympathy in anyone. Cassandra tried hard to recall her last days with Cynthia. Was she upset or sad? Cynthia was always sad face. It was hard to decipher why she always sad. She only saw her bright smile on her wedding with Benedict. But that smile too fake.

Cassandra knew Beatrice had no reasons to lie. Is really Cynthia ran away from England with the help of Hart. Cynthia never had enemies neither friends.

Beatrice said Benedict was adamant at some point. What really happened eight years ago. Benedict confessed he always loved her. A kiss won't change anything. That was not enough. He had made promises earlier too. Which he had broken for Cynthia. She tried hard to consider Beatrice's departing words.

Should Benedict deserve a second chance..........


Cynthia, woman with innocent face and deep mystery behind it.


A character which I left undeveloped.............

Time to go deep..............

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