Chapter 12 -New rival

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It was her......

Catharine or our little Cathy. Cynthia and Cassandra's little sister.

Same girl who once happened to be his little sister's best friend. Now she had grown up.

Her golden hair fallen to shoulders. She removed her fake mustache and eye brows. As she removed her makeup it was becoming clear. A small version of Cassie stood in front of him. More than Cynthia she resembled Cassandra more.

Benedict couldn't believe his eyes first.

It was really her.

That too wearing man's cloths. That is why Caden looked familiar.

The eight year's old little girl has grown up to teenage girl. But her face has lost glow.

"Cathy" He called her happily.

Catharine at first didn't respond. Her face remained stoic. She looked serious. She didn't smiled back at him.

Ben felt something was not in place. Something seriously happened to this girl. Where was the girl gone who once danced around him and Cassie?

"Cathy, what happened to you? And what are you doing such place.
That too in man's attire. You know that place is dangerous for a young lady like you."
Ben soldered her like older brother.

"Ask your fiancé. She left me no options for a leading decent life. I am no longer a lady any more. Since I don't want to sell myself, this job seems better option and don't act like you care for me" She said sharply.

Cathy's words pained Ben. Cassie always adored her sisters. How come she become so cruel. This is unlike of Cassandra once he had known. This is beyond hate.

"I care about you Cathy. You are my wife's little sister. You and Bianca are same to me. And Cynthia's family do matters to me a lot." Ben said emotionally." What did Cassie do" Ben asked curiously.

Ben's emotions did bring some smoothness in Catharine's mood. She became little calm but her anger remained intact.

"Ask me what she didn't do to ruin us" Catharine replied furiously.

Catharine sighed for a moment and began her story.

"When your proposal for Cassie came, mother misunderstood it is for Cynthia. She came to late know you and Cassie love each other. But by that time Cynthia already weaving her wedding dreams. Mother don't want to break Cymatia's heart. So she decided to go ahead with wedding. Your mother was ready accept Cynthia as her daughter in law for a hefty amount. Only Cynthia's happiness mattered that time. Nothing else."

"I know "Ben's head was down. He know his mother had taken money from Greene family.

"It's for Bea's wedding"

"For your sister's happiness our family was broke. Mother was broke after Cynthia's wedding the hefty money she had t taken from loan sharks. Cassie was our only hope. Mother believed Cassie's beauty will fetch her good match. Which will improve our financial stability. Many titled men were after her. One day she went with a suitor and came back as Cassandra Lockhart."

Even though mother was not happy at first but later accepted .She went to Cassie for help. Cassie not only refused to help but insulted my mother badly. That hurt her very much." Catharine was sobbing.

Ben wanted to console her. But didn't move.

"Let the anger flow out "He thought.

"Why Cassandra hate you much." Ben asked her.

"I told you Cassie never forgive mother for making Cynthia marrying you . Mother thought Cassie could get a better match than you. Someone titled, someone rich. But she hates us now which has no bounds now."
"When our creditors throw us out of our house she refused help us. But henry Lockhart brought a small house in mother's name. Without her knowledge. We live there. At least she can't throw us to streets now"

"But After Henry's death Cassandra is hell bound ruining us. Her hatred left us with nothing.

Mom tried to work as maid. But Cassie ruined that. She ruined all my prospects of good marriage. Who will marry a penniless girl with a sick mother"
"Without any other options I decided to dress up as man and work in a lowly bar.
To fed myself and my sick mother. My pay is enough to feed me and my mother." Cathy's voice was strained. But her hatred to her sister was high.

Ben felt guilty. For some reason he too responsible for Greene family destruction. His mother's greed, Cassandra's revenge and his irresponsibly towards Clarisse and Cathy left them with nothing.

He should never allowed his mother to break Clarisse Greene. At that time all were blinded by Bea's happiness. May be that is why Bea's marriage life is curse to her. Curse of Greene family.

"I am sorry, Cathy. It our mistake. We all were blinded" He confessed.

"Then rectify it" Catharine said.

"What you want me do?" Ben asked desperately.

"Marry me." Cathy said instantly.

Hearing this Ben began to laugh hysterically.

"I didn't say joke. I am serious" Catharine said angrily.

"Why all Greene woman are obsessed with me. I fell in love with one and married other sister. And now the third Greene wanted to marry me. I should be consider myself damn lucky .Isn't it" Benedict mocked.

Catharine opened her mouth say something but Benedict cut in the middle and said

"Don't say it is for my Amy. Your mother already lost that argument with me. I don't need a mother to Amy now nor a wife"

"No, I won't say that. I am not obsessed with you or love with like Cassie. I just want Cassie to have taste of her own medicine for once If you don't marry Cassandra then she will lose power in Brimhood. That would be my revenge to her. To make her helpless and powerless just like she did to us" Cathy said slowly.

Benedict's ears stood up. His hopes stood high.

"How" Ben asked eagerly.

But that was the moment Ben felt something heavy on his head and panic stricken Catharine running towards him.

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