Chapter 26 In Search of Truth

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Writing is a huge responsibility. When I first started writing on wattpad it was just a platform which helped me to unleash my passion of writing. Over the years it has grown beyond hobby. It gifted me sleeplessness and unrest what I should write next. To start a novel is easy but to travel along with it and finish it in proper way is difficult journey. Thanks to my readers who always stood with me and reminded me never deviate from my path. Thank you all for being with me....

Convincing Cassandra was not an easy task. Yet Gregory Winston did his work more perfectly. For once he felt guilty but they need to go for the search of truth without her. He wanted Cassandra to heal. Sometimes more than time, it is truth that will heal you. He lied to her he was taking Benedict for a business related to Brimhood. Cassandra looked doubtful for their new found friendship. Yet she gave silent approval.

"Are you sure? We will get help, after all the events happened two days ago" Gregory was still uncertain waiting outside the Greene house.

"Catharine will help. More than us she is desperate to prove her mother's innocence. As they waited for ten more minutes Catharine came out side from house in man's cloths she was ready for her job in local bar.

As she walked towards them her face showed no happiness. It was dark. She didn't smile.

"I am only helping you because I knew my mother's pain. Cassandra's last suitors name was Earl of Bridgeport Matthew Calvert."

"I know the place. It is half day journey from here." Greg said excitingly.

As Catharine began to walk away Benedict stooped her.

"Aren't you coming with us Cathy? You also want to know the truth, right".

"No, I had enough from yesterday, I vowed to my mother I will never interfere in cassadra's life or with him" she said pointing Benedict.

"You are coming with us Catharine, because only you can identify the person. Me and Benedict never met that person" Greg said.

"No, way. I am not travelling you two men" She refused adamantly.

"Cassandra is right. You were never match for her. No wonder you always fail. A coward will remain always coward" Benedict said provoking her.

Well it did make Catherine angry as she was always ready to she is better than Cassandra.

"I am coming and any way I am in man's attire. No one will recognize me" As Catharine jumped into carriage Greg give a meaningful look to Benedict.

As they started their journey Greg said

"Tell us about what you remember about Matthew Calvert"

"I remember his face. He was of Benedict's age. I don't know why I always get creepy vibe from him. Cassandra was never happy with him. Since he was a titled man mother insisted Cassie should give him a chance. She only went with him for mother's sake. One day he asked whether he can take Cassandra to visit his parents, since it was a half day journey, Mother immediately agreed. After that Cassandra just vanished, So as the Earl. When Cassandra didn't come for days Mother personally went Bridgeport to bring back Cassie. But she got the reply earl already departed to Edinburgh for finishing his studies. After that day we lost our Cassie. "Catharine was getting emotional by recollecting past. Benedict is she the same vengeful woman whom was desperate to ruin her sister.

"Tell me Catharine, you still miss your sister. Behind the mask of hatred you wore you still want everything to go back to normal" For Gregory's question Catharine didn't answer. As rest of journey became a silent one.

As they neared Bridgeport Catharine eyes widened.

"It's Bridgeport" She said excitedly.

"How do you know, you never been here" Gregory asked.

"It was exactly he used to describe his earldom. Gardens, Gargoyles and beautiful Bridgeport Manor, everything looked same as used to tell tales about it to impress Cassandra. Matthew describe it this place like painting."

If Earl was this much rich, why he is after Cassandra. Benedict thought

As they stood in front of main door of manor, and a man whom they assumed work there invited them inside as he guessed their unexpected visitors were high ranked.

"Master will see you all soon" A servant informed them as he offered them Refreshments.

It took more than half an hour of waiting impatiently too see Matthew Calvert one who hold key to their questions.

As they seated a young man of mid twenties descended from stairs whom they assumed the Earl Of Bridgeport.

"I am Matthew Calvert. Earl of Bridgeport" He introduced himself. He had pleasant manners. Instantly liked by both men. It was hard to think such a man done ville thing Cassandra.

Catharine was frozen for a moment.

"What is it Cathy" Ben asked slowly as Matthew couldn't hear them.

"Either we got wrong Earl or wrong person" She said.

"What do mean?" Benedict was caught in confusion.

"He is not the man who courted Cassandra eight years ago"

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