Chapter 28 _ Reasons Part 1

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A break is much needed for me because it clears my head and removes blocks.

This book is ending in next few chapters. But I was confused how to end this one well. It is hard to close all loose ends together. Starting a book is easy. But travelling through is difficult and most difficult part how well finish the book.


Cassandra eyes become sore when she saw Benedict and Catharine entered together in mansion. Even though Catharine was still dress as man Cassie knew it was Catharine. Catharine looked happy. Her unmistakable features that resembled herself give her disguise away. Cassandra suddenly felt a tinge jealousy engulf her.

"Will Benedict never learn his lesson" She mused.

Before she could lash out on her husband Gregory entered with a shabby looking man who was severely beaten. In fact he was bleeding. He looked familiar. She had seen him somewhere.

"Do you recognize him Cassandra" Gregory asked her throwing that man on her feet. Cassandra looked at him closely and tried hard to recollect her memory and then said

"It's him. The Earl of Bridgeport, this bastard dumped me in that wretched place" Cassandra said angrily kicking the man. And the man screamed louder as he kicked by Cassandra.

"He is not Earl of Bridgeport my lady, I am the real Earl" Matthew Calvert who suddenly entered scene from nowhere without announcement.

Cassandra was in shock. So does others.

"How come you reach here, your grace" Greg asked him. He too recovering from shock.

"I followed you and thought I should personally clear my name, with her Grace" Matthew said kissing her hand.

"And I believe you" Cassandra said with a smile. Which irked Benedict greatly.

"This is Thomas. He is working as footman in Bridgeport. Eight years ago someone hired him to dupe you as rich suitor. Matthew Calvert the real Earl at that was studying far away from home and his estate was managed by his uncle and him, pointing towards Thomas. Clarisse easily fell on that trap." Gregory continued.

"Since my uncle was quite old man he needed assistance in everything. That granted him full access to our family property and my father's accessories which he misused for his benefit. He often posed as me to lure women to his trap" Matthew grinned.

"Who hired him" Cassandra asked finally.

"As far we come across one name Davis. Do you know anybody with that name" Greg asked.

"Yes, I heard that name somewhere, but I can't recollect "Cassandra said.

"I called your step mother here, Cassie because she too had to tell her part of story to fill in blanks of story." Gregory said watching Cassandra's disapproving look.

As Clarisse entered Catharine ran towards her and hugged her. "Mother we got him the once who duped us"

"Catharine, please don't hug me so tight, I am allergic to your leather coats" she said pushing Catharine away.

"I knew it. You are a woman" Catharine heard a happy grin from behind. Which she knew Matthew Calvert. Which made her wondered he was here to clear his name or unravel her secret. Whatever it is she had no time and many other problems in hand.

"It is indeed him, I remember. He begged to for my permission to court Cassandra. I thought he was good man. With his interesting lies I believed him completely and forced Cassandra to go with him" She sighed.

"Do you know a man named Davis" Benedict asked his mother in law.

"Yes, I knew. And you knew him too Cassandra" Clarisse said looking at a confused Cassandra.

"His full name Reginald Jon Davis, Does it ring bell Cassie"

"Cousin Jonny" Cassandra said in shock.

"Same one, Cassandra." For a moment Cassandra was silent.

"Do you remember I told you I can't tell you name of the person whom I went to collect money. It Is Harriet Davis, your own aunt"

"Why didn't tell me this earlier" Cassandra questioned.

"Because you won't believe me, if I have told you earlier. Harriet is dead and Jonny gone missing for years. Without them no one will believe my story. I have no proofs and you needed them to trust me again. And you needed proofs, not my words. Harriet offered help in getting money. It was she who took me there. I don't know you were there too Cassandra" Clarisse sounded sincere.

Cassandra looked what to believe and what not. The mist is finally cleared after all these years.

"Clarisse it is time we should tell Cassie why I married Cynthia "

"Benedict, Cynthia is past now. Is it needed to bring it up now" Clarisse said.

"Yes, Cassandra has to know. Because it decide future."

"Cynthia was a weak woman. Unlike you she always needed someone to protect her. Whenever she failed she can't stand them. You fought with them while Cynthia chooses the easy way out."

"Like running away or rather suicide.."

And Benedict found her one such situation"

"Cynthia was going to commit suicide when Benedict saved her"

"Your sister has gone mad Cassandra.........." Benedict said  beginning the story of his betrayal..........

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