Chapter 27 - Tale of Fake

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"I am sure he is not the man we are searching for" Catherine confirmed.

Gregory and Benedict looked baffled by her words. Benedict was finally happy that they got a hope of ray. With Catharine's words clouds of disappointment surrounded Benedict. Yet he decided to try.

Catharine was staring at Earl intensely as if deciphering a puzzle.

"I don't like men staring at me, I am not interested in man" Matthew scoffed.

"Do ever courted a woman named Cassandra Greene, eight years ago "Gregory asked polity.

"Are you kidding me? Eight years ago I was just a kid. I just got back in town. Besides I am only twenty and three and I have not started my first season for courting woman. Eight years ago I was in classroom."

"I told you, it was not him" Catharine said again. Matthew looked at her confusingly.

"Do you have ruby brooch shaped like three flowers and pearl in between" Catharine asked suddenly.

"My father owned one like that. It was actually our family heirloom. How did he knew" Matthew Calvert was now in perplexed more than anything.

"He wore it "Catharine exclaimed.

"Do you own black stallion named Mayo which was brought from Middle East"

"How do you know such details of our family and who is he, that you are talking about" Matthew Calvert finally said as he couldn't take more .

"One who impersonated as you and courted Caden's Sister Cassandra and sold her to brothel. But he is not you. Someone with who had full access to your father's personal belongings. Someone who have had knowledge of each and every detail about your manor and you, and cheated an innocent woman posing as you."

Matthew looked disgusted. "How anyone can stoop such low. My father died when I was only fourteen. My uncle was taking care of estate. He had all access to my fathers' property. It must be him" Matthew suggested.

"How old is he." Benedict asked.

"He is about sixty year old" he replied.

"It is not him, he was young man" Gregory said disapprovingly.

"Then it must one him. Only person whom my uncle trusted, come let's check if it was him or not. It is my duty to clear my name. I won't allow anyone to play with Calvert name"

And he was dead serious.

Earl led them to stable where a lot of horse was tied and many servants were busy in work. It was a large stable with a lot of horses. It was evident that Earl is avid horse lover.When they saw their master all stopped work.

"Where is Thomas" He asked one of them.

"Feeding mayo, at the back stable"

"Drag him here" He ordered. Servants were astonished for moment.

"Don't you hear what I said Matthew barked at them. This time all ran to obey their master's wishes. In a few minutes they dragged a man in front of him.

"it was him" Catharine confirmed.

Benedict felt his blood is boiling .He could not suppress his anger.

Benedict pushed that man forcefully. He fell on ground on sudden attack. Benedict began to beat him black and blue. Mathew watched silently as sharp glare stopped others from interfere. But somehow Thomas freed himself and fell on Earl's feet.

"Save me your grace, I am your loyal servant "he begged.

"I trusted you , Thomas. But you misused my trust. You even stole our family heirloom, Posed as me to trap an innocent woman. You are dead Thomas". Earl's words are like sharp sphere and Thomas knew he is finished if he didn't confess the truth.

"Please don't kill me my lord, I will tell the truth"

"Eight years ago I have heavy gambling debts. I met a man who offered me money for courting a woman named Cassandra Greene. I was paid to act as her suitor. I used my resources of Bridgeport to trap her. Her mother was impressed with my stories, and sent her with me. I was first told to ruin her reputation by making her sleep with me. But when she didn't fall for my charms I was told to sell her."

"Who hired you?" Gregory asked.

A man named Davis" He replied. Gregory looked at his companions. Both Benedict and Catharine seemed to clueless. "Are they again reached where they started?

"Can we take him with us?" Benedict asked for permission.

"Yes, but I need him back, as his punishment not over yet."

As Catharine walked back she felt Matthew Calvert is watching her intensely.

Return journey was slower one as all excitement was dead. Beacause they only ended up with a name. But at least Cassandra will finally have peace of mind seeing her real culpert.

"This doesn't prove your mother is innocent" Gregory said to Catharine.

"But it doesn't prove guilty either" She short back.

"Enough" Benedict interrupted in middle.

"We got the person who cheated Cassandra. And It is time Clarisse full fill her blank space in story.

To my readers,

Please be patient. I am trying hard write as logical as possible.

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