Chapter 31_ Face of enemy

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Dear readers

My head is busted with all your comments.......

Thank you...........

"Ben..." Cassandra tried to call her husband. But vein. Cassandra smelt strong odor of chloroform from Benedict's dress. He had been drugged. She felt danger near her.

"Well, you do love him. Your worried face proves that. He was just drugged like your whole household" She heard a unmistakable voice .

Her Cousin Johnny's voice .Cassandra recognized him instantly.

"Jon, What are you doing here. How do you even get in" Cassandra said angrily. In return he just smiled. That smile answered all her suspicions. Someone betrayed her.

"She asks too many questions, tie her up" A new voice said from behind.

As Cassandra looked a new figure emerged out of darkness. He looked familiar. She had seen him somewhere. But where?.

"Don't look so amused. You often saw me in shadows of your best friend's house.

"I am Donovan, at your service duchess." He bowed before her mockingly.

As Johnny dragged her and tied up to chair despite of Cassandra struggles.

Donovan come close to her, close enough that made Cassandra turned her face out of disgust..

"You know how long I have waited for this moment. To touch you, and to smell you and to a chance to make you mine" Donovan slowly touched her hands. His face comes close to her as if smelling her.

Cassandra with her legs kicked him quickly and fast that Donovan didn't get a chance to react. As a result he fell down. His stomach was hit hard and he yelled in pain.

"Dream on. Donovan. I will never be yours" Cassandra hissed.

"Feisty... Just like your sister. You know I was her lover first. But she was an obedient unlike you" And Cassandra immediately knew it was him.

Cynthia's fear and whom abused her. The one who has driven her to madness.

"Eight years...." He continued.

"Eight damn long years I have waited for you. Every time you skipped from hands like sand. Every time you were lucky. Not this time" he smiled like a winner.

"Why do you want me? What I had done" Cassandra asked trying to be cool.

Donovan laughed hysterically.

"I always had a thing for Greene sisters"

"What you think is right. It was me who abused Cynthia. But the bitch escaped with my child. And that bitch got right punishment. Then it was you. It was me who sold you to brothel. I was dreaming to first man to have you. But luck favored you all time. You were always saved .Not today. Your servants were drugged and your dear husband is lying unconscious. By the time he woke up everything will be over."

"Sir the person you are waiting is arrived." Johnny informed him.

"Duchess you are about to see the person who want you to ruined. Somebody in your family plotted against you with me. Someone who shared the same hatred as me."

"Johnny, watch closely. She may try something smart. I will be right back" Donovan ordered.

As Donovan went to receive that person Johnny stood there watching her.

"Johnny, save me. I know old you still alive" Cassandra tried to evoke emotions in Johnny .

He was silent. Not reacting. Cassandra decided one last try.

"Save us for the sake of Amy. She is your child. Not that monster Donovan's. "

"You are lying. Cynthia betrayed me. If she carried my child why should she run away with Hart. Don't you hear what Donovan said he was her first lover" Johnny said angrily.

" He was not Cynthia's first lover. He was her first abuser. One who raped her and driven her insane. She feared her child's life. She wanted save her child because it was your child. If it was Donovan's child she would have killed it before it born. Look at Amy , she had your eyes , the grey one. Same hair color as Aunt Harriet had. Cynthia never loved Benedict. It was always you. Benedict himself confessed it to me"

"What is the difference between Cynthia and Benedict? Both betrayed us. "Johnny asked back.

"Cynthia was worried about her child's safety. If you were there for her she shouldn't have to run away "Cassandra pointed out.

"Cynthia left me, rather abandoned me without explanation. If I can forgive Cynthia since she done it for our child's safety, can you forgive Benedict for abandoning you. You will soon see other side of story"

"Cynthia was murdered by Donovan, Do you knew that?" Cassandra said connecting her dots with Benedict and Donovan's story.

Johnny was speechless and shocked. Cassandra felt hopeful and if his love for Cynthia still exist, he will help her.

"Donovan had a big mouth when it comes to his achievements'. He will blurt it out if had done it. And trust me Cassie I know him like his shadow"

Before Cassandra could reply she saw the person who caused her ruin entered the room with Donovan.

Meet your worst enemy.

My partner in crime............

It was the rudest shock she ever got..........

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