I Love You

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Natsu POV

"Hey Luce, do you mind if I sleep over tonight?" I wanted to punch myself for sounding so weak. Why am I suddenly so nervous?

"Natsu?" She asked confused. "Since when do you ask me? You usually just do it anyways no matter what I say?" She laughed and I mentally smacked my forehead. No need to act different now.

Well I just thought that if I asked you this time then you wouldn't be mad at me in the morning." I said quickly and finished with a shrug.

"Oh well that was sweet of you. Yeah sure go ahead but you know where you'll be sleeping right?" She asked daring me to say anywhere but the couch.

Mmm snuggling with Lucy sounds great. I thought back to this morning. She was in my arms when I woke up. She had looked comfortable too, that is until she caught me watching her.

"Natsu? Are you okay? Your face is getting really red." She said putting her hand to my forehead. Just her touch knocked the air out of me.

"Yeah I'm fine and I'm sleeping on the couch aren't I?" I rushed out trying to get my face to cool down. Why am I losing control of my emotions now?

She giggled.

"Yup that's exactly where! I'm glad you're finally understanding that!" She said delighted but almost irritated at the same time.

Well at least I'm sleeping under the same roof in the same room. For now that's enough for me.

"Hey, Luce?" I said around one in the morning. It's not that I expected her to be awake and I almost sighed when she didn't reply.

"I love you!" I whispered out into the night. "If only you knew." Sighing again I figured that I should try and salvage the night. Turning over on the coach I closed my eyes and thought about Lucy, knowing perfectly well that there was no way sleep was gonna find me any time soon.

Lucy POV

"I love you!" Natsu's voice rang through my ears, startling me.

I almost jumped out of bed with excitement, his declaration sending shivers all throughout my body, but I paused not a second too soon at the sound of his voice yet again.

"If only you knew." His sigh was long and tired. I heard him shift on the coach and realized that I probably wasn't supposed to have heard that.

Oh Natsu. I shook my head at his naivety. But I couldn't fight the smile that broke out on my lips as I replayed his words over and over again in my head. There's no reason to wait any longer, not now. With that final thought I was able to fall asleep quickly with plans for tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I will tell Natsu how I feel.

Natsu POV

I woke up to the sun in my face. I blinked a few times to get used to the intrusive light. But, remembering where I was I couldn't help but smile.

I sat up and looked at the bed where Lucy lay, still asleep. I got up and walked over to her, my footsteps light and precise.

Leaning over her slightly I looked at her sleeping face and held back a chuckle when I saw the slight hints of a smile. So cute, I wonder what she was thinking about.

I didn't really want to wake her. I actually wanted to join her in the bed, but I didn't know how she'd react and today I wanted everything to go perfect. There would be no point in declaring my love for her if she was mad at me.

I was suddenly hit with the urge to kiss her skin as I watched her patiently. Normally she'd be up before me so I knew this opportunity was rare. But just as I gained the courage to lean closer she opened her eyes.

I was smiling like an idiot and quickly covered it up when she made eye contact with me. I cursed in my head.

"Natsu? What are you doing?" She asked with a yawn, her morning voice deeper than I was used to. I shook my head and realized how close I was and immediately pulled back.

"Um nothing you looked like you had something on your face, so I was looking down to examine it." I replied shrugging. But on the inside, I was only thinking about how I wish I had gotten to kiss her.

"So Luce what do you say we hang out today?" I asked stretching my arms to get the last remains of sleep from them.

"Yeah, sure, sounds great! I didn't really have anything else to do today anyway!" She replied smiling like an angel.

"Well it's settled. We're gonna hang out all day!" I said grabbing her hand and standing her up from where she was sitting on the bed looking ready to fall asleep again.

"Whoa!" She managed to get out before I shoved her into the bathroom door waiting for her to get ready.

Lucy POV

"Lucy! You're taking forever get over here all ready!" I heard Natsu call to me from across the park.

"Coming!" I called,  jogging over to him. "Natsu what did you- whoa! It's so pretty here!" I said looking around at all the colorful flowers. The trees enclosed us with thick branches, their leaves all rich greens forming a secret alcove.

"I didn't even know this existed!" I murmured, smiling like an idiot.

"Luce?" Natsu said abruptly, hai tone bordering nervous.

"Natsu?" I said looking at him. His wild eyes staring into my brown ones he walked closer to me. I was hit with the realization that it was just us here, nobody could see us.

"Lucy," he said again, barely above a whisper. I was caught off guard by his sudden tone. He used this to his advantage as he leaned forward and closed the distance between us with a kiss.

I was surprised but only for a second. After that it wasn't hard to comprehend what was going on, and I quickly kissed him back. Simply put, that was how Natsu and I started our relationship.

Hey everyone please comment and tell me how this chapter was! Are you surprised they finally kissed! Thanks for reading this!

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