I Love You Too

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Natsu POV

I closed the distance between us and kissed her straight on the lips. There were no words to describe my relief when I felt her kiss me back.

Pulling away was more difficult than I thought, but after I did I found it even harder to catch my breath. Her face was so close to mine. Her lips were only inches away. I found my courage in that small distance, and decided that I'd use it instead of lose it.

"I love you, Lucy." I said, my eyes locked on her chocolate eyes. I didn't even blink as I awaited her reply. So much of myself was just laid bare.

"I love you too, Natsu!" She finally said, as if she had only just come to. I sighed in obvious relief, releasing the breath I had been holding, however I stopped short at her look of uncertainty." Wait Natsu? What do we do now?" Her innocent question caught me off guard.

"What do mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. Now? How was I supposed to know?

"I mean do we tell everyone now, or do we keep it a secret?" Her eyes never left mine and I was starting to get nervous. I hadn't thought this through. It's not that I regretted confessing, but I just expected her to jump for joy and take my arm as we walked into each other's lives. I didn't expect probing questions.

Suddenly an idea came to mind, her words striking something within me. I smirked and pulled her closer.

"Well, for right now I say we keep it our little secret." I said chuckling, leaning  in to kiss her again. The taste of her lips, I realized, were gonna become dangerous with how addicting they happened to be. I didn't really care though, not as she leaned into me with her whole body and sighed in content.

We stayed like that for awhile, our bodies slowly melding into one. I eventually moved my arms from around her waist and explored her body slightly. She replied with vigor, and tightened hers around my neck.

I pulled away slightly, scared of my hidden thoughts about where I wanted this to go, and instead just pulled her close. I buried my face in her neck and inhaled her intoxicating scent. In turn she ran her fingers through my hair and held me just as tightly.

If I'd known she liked me back I wouldn't have waited this long to make a move. I wouldn't have waited so long if I had known how this would feel. But I knew everything happened for a reason. I was just glad we had finally run into each other's circles.

But now I wanted to make it official.

"Lucy, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked hesitantly, my voice strong but my hands shaking. The state of my mental health hanging on the edge.

"Yes Natsu," she whispered shyly, "I would love to be." She then hugged me tighter, her smile lighting up the alcove and her eyes. I couldn't help but lean in for one more kiss at the sight. And right after we left hand in hand, back home, ready to start our new lives together.

A few hours later.....

I glanced at the clock to my right as Lucy snuggled into my side. Was it really already ten? I looked back at the movie screen with a sigh. I couldn't even tell you how many we've watched today. I didn't know what was going on either. Lucy had proved to be quite the distraction.

But it was fine, of course, because I was with Lucy. And I had to say, it felt great, finally getting the girl I wanted.

So many people thought I liked Lissana and I guess I could understand why. But we're just really close friends that's all. The only girl I needed was right here.

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