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A/N Tell me what you think! At the side is a picture of Valerie.


My pillow was over my ears but I could still hear my parents arguing downstairs. My feeble attempts to numb the noise had failed miserably. I sat up perking my head up to look at my clock, 11:11. I closed my eyes, squeezing my palms together, and whispering to myself, "I wish I could just get away from it all".

I opened my eyes as the magical minute passed. I continued to stay put in my bed. I sighed. Leaning over to switch my bedside lamp back on, I knocked over my binder: where I keep the last minute homework assignments and save them for around 12:00 when everyone is off Facebook. "Dammit!" I muttered.

I swung my leg off the side of my bed to pick up my papers. Once I had gathered them all into a pile in my hands I stood up quickly bumping, no, banging my head on the overhanging glass on my side table. My body swayed dizzy from the impact and my vision blurred. I toppled over onto my carpet reaching my hands out in front of me to stop my fall. I landed on my chest that I keep next to my bed filled with stories I like to write. The chest's metal siding punctured my fingertips and stabbed my stomach. I rolled over onto my back curling my body into a ball to stop the pain. I had hardly even noticed that my parents had stopped screaming.

I looked around my room hardly being lit by my lamp. My chest was right next to this flower vase that had sharp metal vines that surronded it, I came within five inches of puncturing my heart into one of the sharp edges. I brushed my blond tousels out of my eyes, clutching my arm over my stomach, and climbed back into bed turning off my lamp.

That was when I heard a collision downstairs.

I had first just assumed it was some foul play between my parents, but the house was deadly silent. I perked up in my bed reaching to spring from under my bed sheets. I noticed then that my index finger was bleeding. The stench overwhelmed me. I was terrified of blood and quickly become severly nauceous. I sprinted, tossing my bed sheets off of me, and ran into my bathroom slaming the door behind me. I threw up into my sink flushing it down with water. I gagged at the smell.

The door slam echoed through my ears. I looked at myself in the full lenghth mirror that covered the bathroom door. One of my eyes milky blue and the other a deep forest green scanned my body image in the mirror. I wrapped my scrawny arms around my v-neck giveaway from a Taylor Swift concert, and Pink sweatpants that dragged over my tiny feet. My almost purple lips formed a oval soft friendly smile.

That was when the bathroom door swung open, catching me off guard as I stood in front of it's mirror and was flung into the back wall of the bathroom. There were two boys standing there. Both around seventeen, my age. I screamed. Clutching my head that had landed on a pile of my sister's clothes that she had dumped in front of the shower door. I crawled backwards into the door that led to my older sister's room. I stretched my arm upwards looking for the doorknob.

One of the boys, both of which were extremely handsome, raised his hand. It felt as if an imaginary forced grabbed my wrist and twisted it behind my back. The one will hazel eyes and blonde hair, looked younger than the other. He was shorter and not as muscular, almost afraid and tenative to following the older one's actions. He looked terrified and bit his lip when the other raised his hand again at me.

I screamed again but this time the imaginary forced covered my mouth. It felt like a hand pressed against my lips. I choked up on my own spit. The younger one forced the older one's hand down. The force was gone. The older, an exact lookalike of Channing Tatum, stepped foward.

"Who are you?" I managed to squeak out. The one who looked like Channing Tatum lifted up my chin and I shied away, but he was extremely strong. He stretched open my eyelids, I looked directly into his own dark black eyes. He nodded to the younger one.

That was when I kicked him, standing up and opening the door so fast that I caught them off guard so they didn't react in time. I almost laughed, holding my back against the bathroom door now looking into my sister's bedroom, as they pushed against it. I scanned the room. We were on the second floor I couldn't go through the window, I paused then sprinted for the door leading into the hallway.

From behind me, the bathroom door flew off it's hinges. I screamed as I ran into the hallway coming face to face with the younger one. His eyes made my knees weak. I raised a hand to slap him but he grabbed my wrist easily without much effort, almost looking apologetic. He was inhumanly strong. I screeched in pain. The older one was behind me now breathing into my ear, his breath a sweet mist of peaches.

"What are you?" I asked. "Do you even know who you are?" Channing Tatum asked me. I wasn't expecting his voice, it sent a warm sensational chill through my spine. "I'm Valerie Hamlin, I'm just an average girl, please," The younger one smiled at me. "please, leave me alone!"

"We want to know your enchantress name." Channing Tatum told me. "What are you talking about?" The younger one looked puzzled. "You said, that she already knew!" He yelled at Channing Tatum. "Knew what? Where's my family?" I yelled at them. The older one smiled. "Valerie, seems that this is all one big mistake..."

"What are you talking about? We've been tracking her..." The younger one was cut off. "Since you've already seen too much, were taking you with us."

I waiting until the final words were out of his mouth to push him over the banister. He tumbled towards the ground floor. I kicked the younger one and he fell backwards. I jumped over him turning around to see Channing Tatum floating in mid-air back over the railing. "What the hell..." I muttered. I hit my head pretty hard, I had to be imagining this. I bolted downstairs at the exact moment he touched the ground.

The younger one had sprung back onto two feet. I ran down the stairs with him trailing behind me. Donwstairs, I skidded across the wood floors my fuzzy socks sliding me into my living room that doubled as the entrance. I reached for the door, scrambling to unlock it, the alarm my Dad set each night went off. The younger one was right behind me now. He raised a hand and the alarm was silenced. It would be seen as nothing by the police.

The door clicked and I swung the door open a cool breeze blowed back my hair. I touched the front door step tenativetivly as the younger one wrapped his arm around my waist and yanked me back inside with impecable strenght. He slammed the door behind him. The older one was looking down pleased from the top of the stairs.

The younger one shoved me to the ground. I crab walked backwards slowly standing up when he reached for me again. I shut my eyes fearing his powerful hands. Nothing touched me. When I opened my eyes he was on the floor, confused and hurt. I got up running into the kitchen and reaching into the drawers for a weapon. Channing Tatum was too quick for me. He had moved with incredible speed into the kitchen slamming the drawer on my hand and wrapping a cloth around my eyes. Everything from there was black.

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