Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up before Eric so i decided to cook him something to eat .

Fumbling around in his cabinets , I found some pancake mix . Taking a look in his ice box , i grabbed some eggs and bacon .

I was almost finished with everything when Eric walked in still looking sleepy .

"Hey sleepy head ," I said smiling at him .

"Hey boo ," he said coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist , pulling me close to him .

He tried to kiss me but i pushed him away . "Not with that morning breath !" I said laughing at his expression .

He gave me a sour look and went upstairs to go brush his teeth i'm assuming .

When he came back down , he had on a black tee shirt and some jogging pants looking cute as usual . I licked my lips .

"See something you like ?" He asked sitting down as i placed his plate in front of him .

"Maybe ," I replied looking back at him .

He smacked my ass as i walked back over to the stove and fixed my own plate .

In a way i was lowkey glad that i was living with Eric . At least now i could keep an eye on him but deep down i knew that he was going to eventually fuck up and i was going to have to make a hard decision about whether to stay or leave . I just hope that i wouldn't have to choose anytime soon .


I was surprised that Ajani had cooked for me this morning . No girl has ever tried to cater to me like that . She even brought me my plate . I knew it was something about her that i liked .

It wasn't just that though . She was sweet and wasn't easy . Most women would've let me hit last night but she didn't . She showed resistance which let me know that her mama had raised her right even though what her mama did yesterday was kind fucked up . At the end of the day i really don't care , I'm kinda happy that my baby was staying with me now .

This Nigga Arlend was another story . I had to handle him soon . This is the second time that he done put his hands on somebody that's important to me . The first time was when he raped my little 7 year old cousin , Jayla , and caused her internal hemorrhaging which eventually led to her dying . Her stupid mama didn't even press charges on the nigga and let him walk free .  Knowing her she probably didn't care anyway . She was always an unfit mother . Little did Arlend know , I was going to get my revenge on this nigga for Jayla and Ajani . I just had to bid my time and get him when it's safe and when he least expects it which was going to be soon . I didn't play when it came to the people that i cared about which reminded me that i had to tell Ajani about my son and my two unborn daughters that i had on the way by two different women . Yeah i know it's fucked up but before Ajani i was a big ass man whore and i'm not scared to admit it . I just hope that she's understanding about the whole situation .

I pulled up to my son's mama's house and let myself in . This bitch was passed out on the couch probably drunk while my one year old son was just sitting in the middle of the floor watching t.v.

"What the fuck is wrong with you !?" I yelled causing my son's mama to wake up . Unfortunately she was also one of the women pregnant with one of my daughters .

"Oh , Eric when did you get here ?" She asked looking around shocked .

"I just got here . Why the hell were you passed out on the couch while our one year old son was just sitting in the middle of the floor unattended . What if he would've put something in his mouth and choked ?" I yelled getting in her face .

I could smell the liquor on her breath as she looked at me dumbfounded .

"I'm sorry , I'm just so tired ," She said .

"It's bad enough that you're drinking around my son but what's even worst is that you're drinking while you're pregnant with my daughter too . Really ! what's wrong with you ?"  I asked angry as hell . I regret ever sleeping with this tramp .

"I'm just too young Eric , I don't want to be a mother anymore ," She cried putting her face in her hands .

I stared at the stupid bitch .

Not saying another word , I grabbed Lil E's baby bag and left her there . It was no way that he was going to live with her anymore and when my daughter is born , I'm going to take her away too . I can't believe his shit .

Fuming , I pulled up to my house . Getting Lil E out of the car , I got his bag and let myself into the house .

Ajani was sitting on the couch watching t.v. in nothing but one of my button down shirts and some black underwear .

When she heard me walk in she looked over and smiled but I noticed her smile faulted some when she saw me holding my son .

"Aww who is he ? Your nephew ? " She asked standing up and walking over to me and reaching for Lil E . He smiled at her and allowed her to take him from my arms .

"Uhh ,  no . He's my son actually ," I said scratching the back of my neck and not meeting her eyes .

She paused . "I didn't know you had a child ... Do you have anymore ?" She asked interested in Lil E who was pulling at her hair .

This was a question that i wanted to avoid but oh well . If she wanted to be apart of my life she had to accept my kids too because they came first in my life . No woman could take their place .

"I actually have two unborn daughters on the way by two different women ," I said looking at her face trying to see her reaction . Her face was blank so i really couldn't tell how she was feeling .

She was silent for a minute but she finally spoke up . "Uh , I mean , these are your kids and they all came before i was even in the picture and I wanna be with you so i know that i have to accept them too ."

I let out the breath that i didn't realize that I'd been holding .

"Thank you so much baby . I didn't know how you were going to react ," I said taking a seat next to her and placed a kiss on her cheek .

She gave me an uneasy smile and turned her attention back to Lil E .

I'm glad that the first obstacle of our relationship went smoothly . Hopefully we continue to do good together . I really liked Ajani and she's definitely wifey material .

"You really need to learn to keep your dick in your pants or at least wrap it up because your pull out game is weak man ," Ajani said laughing hysterically.

I shot her a glare .

"I'll keep that in mind next tim i'm banging another group ," I said .

She quickly stopped laughing and looked at me with hate filled , piercing eyes .

It was my turn to laugh now .

She just rolled her eyes and went back to playing with my son .

I knew how to piss her little mean ass off . 

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